Carlos Chanfon Olmos

Carlos Chanfon Olmos

Carlos Chanfon Olmos is a Mexican architect and Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico professor, known for his researching and publishing of diverse topics in the field of architecture under the U. N. A. M. imprint.

He studied archirecture in the U. N. A. M., where he eventually became a teacher and researcher the faculty. As a researcher he has published diverse works of international academic acknowledgement regarding themes such as golden ratio, Villard de Honnecourt and history of architecture.

Among the works he has published are "Arquitectura del Siglo XVI: Temas Escogidos" ["CHANFÓN OLMOS, Carlos, Arquitectura del Siglo XVI: Temas Escogidos", Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México] , "Historia de la Arquitectura y Urbanismos Mexicanos" [CHANFÓN OLMOS, Carlos, "Historia de la Arquitectura y Urbanismos Mexicanos", Fondo de Cultura Economica de España, S.L. ] , "Wilars de Honecort, su Manuscrito" [CHANFÓN OLMOS, Carlos, "Wilars de Honecort, su Manuscrito", Colección Mexicana de Tratadistas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, 1994. ( [ Check this site for more information] )] , "Curso sobre Proporción" [CHANFÓN OLMOS, Carlos, "Curso sobre Proporción. Procedimientos Reguladores en Construcción", Convenio de intercambio UNAM–UADY, México - Mérica, 1991 ] , which was originally created as didactic material for an academic course he gave at UADY along with Ph. D. Pablo Chico Ponce de León.

"Curso sobre Proporciòn" focuses on the diverse systems of proportions that have been used in architecture through history. He uses diverse graphic analysis done by other authors such as Frederik Macody Lund, Jay Hambidge and Jose Villagran Garcia, but makes several of his own as his proposals.


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