

Ure may refer to:

* River Ure
* Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology
* Oriya people, and Indian gotra also known as the "Ures"
* Alexander Ure, 1st Baron Strathclyde, Scottish politician and judge
* Andrew Ure, Scottish doctor
* Derek Ure, Scottish footballer
* Gudrun Ure, Scottish actress
* Ian Ure, Scottish footballer
* Jean Ure, English children's author
* Joan Ure, English-Scottish poet and playwright
* Mary Ure, Scottish actress
* Midge Ure, Scottish musician

ee also

* Ur, an ancient city
* Universal Network Objects Runtime Environment, an independent OpenOffice.org component model
* University Radio Essex, campus radio station for the University of Essex
* Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles, an amateur radio organization in Spain

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  • ure — ure·al; ure·am·e·ter; ure·ase; ure·chis; ure·di·al; ure·din·e·ae; ure·din·i·al; ure·din·i·op·sis; ure·din·i·um; ure·dio·spore; ure·di·um; ure·do; ure·do·sorus; ure·do·stage; ure·ic; ure·ide; ure·ido; ure·mia; ure·na; ure·om·e·ter; ure·sis;… …   English syllables

  • -ure — ♦ Suffixe indiquant que le composé chimique est un sel d hydracide : sulfure, chlorure. uro , oure, ure. éléments, du gr. oura, queue . ure Suffixe de certains termes de chimie, marquant que le composé est un sel d hydracide (ex. chlorure,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ure — steht für Flughafen Kuressaare in Estland als IATA Code Ure steht für den Familiennamen folgender Personen: Andrew Ure (1778–1857), britischer Mediziner und Professor für Naturgeschichte und Chemie Mary Ure (1933–1975), schottische Schauspielerin …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ure — → urus ● urus ou ure nom masculin (latin urus) Aurochs. (Emploi rare.) ● urus ou ure (homonymes) nom masculin (latin urus) eurent forme conjuguée du verbe avoir …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • URE — steht für Flughafen Kuressaare in Estland als IATA Code User Range Error, der Ortsfehler insb. bei Satellitennavigation: siehe Globales Navigationssatellitensystem#Messfehler Unrecoverable Read Error Rate , Erwartungswert für Lesefehler bei… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ure — Ure, n. [OE. ure, OF. oevre, ovre, ouvre, work, F. [oe]uvre, L. opera. See {Opera}, {Operate}, and cf. {Inure}, {Manure}.] Use; practice; exercise. [Obs.] Fuller. [1913 Webster] Let us be sure of this, to put the best in ure That lies in us.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ure — Ure, v. t. To use; to exercise; to inure; to accustom by practice. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] The French soldiers . . . from their youth have been practiced and ured in feats of arms. Sir T. More. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • uré- — ⇒URÉ , UR(ÉO) , (UR , URÉO ), élém. formant Élém. tiré du subst. urée, entrant dans la constr. de termes de biol. et méd.; le 2e élém. est un subst. sav. ou un élém. formant d orig. gr. désignant un processus de formation, de transformation, d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • ...üre — <aus fr. ure, dies aus lat. ura, vgl. ↑...ur> Endung weiblicher Substantive, z. B. Gravüre, Broschüre …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • -ure — suffix forming abstract nouns of action, from O.Fr. ure, from L. ura …   Etymology dictionary

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