Gottfried of Admont

Gottfried of Admont

Gottfried of Admont [Godefridus Admontensis, Godfrey of Admont, Geoffrey of Admont, Godefridus of Admont, Godefridus de Admont.] (died 1165) was the Benedictine abbot of Admont Abbey from 1137 until his death. He is considered to be a reformer and the founder of the "school of Admont", and he is also credited with greatly improving the abbey's library. [Rainer Berndt (editor), "Schrift, Schreiber, Schenker: Studien zur Abtei Sankt Viktor in Paris und den Viktorinern" (2005), p. 234-6.] .

He was an influential figure, undertaking with Otto of Freising and Berthold of Brixen a papal commission relative to the proposed bishopric of Seckau [Paul B. Pixton, "The German Episcopacy and the Implementation of the Decrees of the Fourth" (1995), note p. 267.] . He strongly backed St Eberhard, who became bishop of Salzburg in 1146.

Many homilies are attributed to him ["Patrologia Latina 174.] , taking the character of exegesis [ [ Preaching, History of ] ] ; it is now doubted whether he was the author of all of them. His brother Irimbert was a successor as abbot, and may have written some of them [Rainer Berndt (editor), "im Angesicht Gottes Suche der Mensch sich selbst": Hildegard von Bingen (10981179)" (2001), p. 301.] .


*Stephan Borgehammar, "Who Wrote the Admont Sermon Corpus - Gottfried the Abbot, his Brother Irimbert, or the Nuns" pp. 47-51 in Jacqueline Hamesse (editor) "De l'homélie au sermon: Histoire de la prédication médiévale"


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