Antonio de Montezinos

Antonio de Montezinos

Antonio de Montezinos was a Portuguese traveler and a Marano Sephardic Jew who in 1644 persuaded Menasseh Ben Israel, the chief rabbi of Amsterdam, that he had found one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel living in the jungles of the "Quito Province" (that is, the Pichincha Province) of Ecuador. [Kochan 1984, p. 885] This supposed discovery gave a new impulse to Menasseh's Messianic hopes. Menasseh wrote a book about this narrative, "The Hope of Israel". The book caused great controversy and polemics in England. [Wilensky 1951, p. 401.]



* Kochan, Lionel. (1984). Review: Philo-Semitism and the Readmission of the Jews to England 1603-1655 by David Katz. "The English Historical Review", Vol. 99, No. 393, p. 885
* Wilensky M. (1951). The Royalist Position concerning the Readmission of Jews to England. "The Jewish Quarterly Review." New Ser., Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 397-409.

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