- Bald Head Light
caption = "Old Baldy"
location = Bald Head Island, Cape Fear River, North Carolina
coordinates =
yearbuilt = 1789
yearlit = 1817
automated =
yeardeactivated = 1930
foundation = Dressed stone
construction = Brick
shape = Octagonal
marking = Mottled stucco plaster
height = 110 feet
elevation =
lens = 15 lamps and reflectors, 1851
currentlens =
intensity =
range =
characteristic =
ARLHS = USA-1225
USCG = 2-30335Bald Head Lighthouse, known as Old Baldy, is the oldest
lighthouse inNorth Carolina .History
Old Baldy was completed in 1817. Standing 110 feet high and containing 108 steps, it served as an active lighthouse until 1935 and as a
radio beacon until 1958. It was used mostly to guide ships through the perilousFrying Pan Shoals . After the construction of theOak Island Lighthouse in 1958, "Old Baldy" was decommissioned. It still stands as a symbol ofBald Head Island and is open to the public.Hurricane Fran
Hurricane Fran struck the southernNorth Carolina coast on September 5, 1996, there were a few residents remaining on Bald Head Island. When wind speeds climbed past hurricane strength, many islanders fled their houses and sought shelter inside the Bald Head Lighthouse. The lighthouse suffered minimal damage. It is possibly one of the safest structures on the island; its construction of brick and plaster five feet thick [ [http://www.rickslighthouses.com/bald_head.htm Bald Head Island Lighthouse ] ] coupled with itsaerodynamic design is now known to withstand at leastCategory 3 hurricane s. The architect is Daniel S. Way.References
External links
* [http://www.rickslighthouses.com/bald_head.htm Rick's Lighthouses - Bald Head]
* [http://www.oldbaldy.org/ Old Baldy Foundation (owners of the lighthouse)]
* [http://www.uscg.mil/hq/g-cp/history/WEBLIGHTHOUSES/LHNC.html USCG site]
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