- Giuseppe Ciccimarra
Giuseppe Ciccimarra (
May 22 ,1790 ,Altamura -December 5 ,1836 ,Venice ) was an Italiantenor , closely associated withRossini roles.Career
Ciccimarra was considered one of the best
comprimario tenors of his time.For Rossini, he created, at the
Teatro San Carlo in Naples, several roles including: Iago in "Otello ", Goffredo in "Armida ", Aronne in "Mosè in Egitto ", Ernesto in "Ricciardo e Zoraide ", Pilade in "Ermione ", Condulmiero in "Maometto secondo ".He retired from the stage in 1826, and taught voice and piano in
Vienna . Among his pupils wasJosef Aloys Tichatschek , creator of Wagner's "Rienzi " and "Tannhäuser ". [See German Wikipedia article on Tichatschek.]Notes
* Roland Mancini and Jean-Jacques Rouveroux, (orig. H. Rosenthal and J. Warrack, French edition), "Guide de l’opéra", Les indispensables de la musique (Fayard, 1995). ISBN 2-213-01563-6
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