

Infobox Palestinian Authority muni

latd=32 |latm=19 |lats=59.40|latNS=N
longd=35 |longm=06|longs=31.15|longEW=E
mayor=Ahmad Said Mansur

Bal'a ( _ar. بلعه) is a Palestinian town in the Tulkarm Governorate, located approximately nine kilometers northeast of Tulkarm in the northern West Bank and three kilometers away from the highway connecting Tulkarm with Nablus. [ [ Location] Balaa Municipality]

According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), the town had a population of approximately 7,300 in mid-year 2006. [ Projected Mid -Year Population for Tulkarm Governorate by Locality 2004- 2006] Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS)] In 1922, the town had a population of 1,259 nearly doubled to 2,220 in 1945. After Israel's occupation of the town in 1967 after the Six-Day War, Bal'a inhabitants numbered 3,800 after dozens of families from nearby towns such as, Deir al-Ghusun settled there after being expelled for security reasons. [ [ Tulkarm and its villages: His Balaa] Palestinian Information Center]


In 1922 its population was 1,259a large village at the time. According to a census by the British Mandate of Palestine in 1931, Bal'a had 1,539 residents. [ [ Welcome To Bal'a: Town Statistics and Facts] ] Then in a 1945 land and population survey by Sami Hadawi, the population rose to 2,220. [ [ District Statistics] from [ Statistics of 1945: A Classification of Land and Area ownership in Palestine] (1970) Hadawi, Sami. The Palestine Liberation Organization Research Center.] The town's growth stunted after the Six-Day War, going from 3,400 in 1967 to just 3,800 in 1987.

In the first Palestinian census by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) in 1997, Bal'a had a population of 5,444 inhabitants. More than 20% of the residents were Palestinian refugees. [ [ Palestinian Population by Locality and Refugee Status] Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS).] The gender make-up was 49.1% male and 50.9% female. [ [ Palestinian Population by Locality, Sex and Age Groups in Years] Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS)] In 2006, Bal'a's residents numbered 7,290.


Bal'a's primary source of income is agriculture. The town's land area consists of about 23,000 dunams most of which is arable land. The town annually produces an average 10,000 tons of olive oil with olives being the main cash crop of Bal'a and surrounding towns and villages. Other common orchards include figs, apricots and almonds. Wheat and barley are grown during the winter while tomatoes, marrows and green peppers are grown mostly during the summer. Livestock is a major factor in Bal'a's agriculture sector as many families own thousands of hens as well as sheep, goats and cattle. [ Economical Situation] Balaa Municipality]

A few hundred in the town work for the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) in careers as teachers, doctors and business managers. A large number of people are in service with various PNA security branches, including the Preventive Security Service. The town's built-up are is currently about 3,600 dunams. Bal'a has six schools: Two secondary, four primary. Boys and girls attend different schools. There are also three kindergartens. [ [ Education] Balaa Municipality]

Notable people from Bal'a

*Hakam Balawi - Top aide of Yasser Arafat, former PLO ambassador to Algeria and Tunisia and the Interior Minister of the Palestinian National Authority in 2003.
*Fathi Balawi - Early Fatah leader. He died in 1996
*Omar Jabar - Local Hamas commander and allegedly involved in Passover massacre. He was detained by Israeli authorities in 2008.


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