- Hibiscus denudatus
status = LC
regnum =Plantae
unranked_divisio =Angiosperms
unranked_classis =Eudicots
unranked_ordo =Rosids
ordo =Malvales
familia =Malvaceae
genus = "Hibiscus "
species = "H. denudatus"
binomial = "Hibiscus denudatus"
binomial_authority = Benth.|"Hibiscus denudatus", (common names: Paleface or Rock Hibiscus) is a perennial
shrub of the familyMalvaceae , themallow s. It is in the genus "Hibiscus ", therosemallow s.It is found in the southwest of
North America in thesouthwestern United States andnorthern Mexico in the states of extreme southeastCalifornia , southernNevada , southernArizona andNew Mexico , southwestTexas ,Baja California -north,Sonora ,Chihuahua , andCoahuila . It can be found in the Colorado andSonoran Desert s, and in the east to theChihuahuan Desert .Plant form
The form of the plant is somewhat straggly vertical branches reaching 1-convert|3|ft|m|0, and not always a wide, full shrub. The leaves are small to 1 1/2 in and about the same in width, and finely toothed. The leaves are a medium yellow green, hairy-surfaced, and elliptical to ovoid in shape.
The flower is a pale white, hence the name paleface, or pale light lavender to light pink. The petals can be rice paper thin, and on some plants nearly translucent; the flower petals are broad and roundish, also overlapping; the entire flower is a broad cup shape. One vertical branch will often have a terminal flower, and axial flowers along the branch. The flowers will bloom depending on seasonal temperatures starting in January to the end of late summer/fall in October.
The plant can be found in desert washes, also rocky slopes, and mesas, up to convert|2000|ft|m|0 elevation. In the southwest Arizona deserts in the western Sonoran Desert, it can be found in the desert washes with
desert lavender which has a similar color and shaped leaf; the desert lavender often blooms before Rock Hibiscus.References
* [http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/get_JM_treatment.pl?5042,5059,5060 Jepson Flora Project: "Hibiscus denudatus"]
* [http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=HIDE USDA: NRCS: Plants Profile "Hibiscus denudatus"]
* [http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/cgi/img_query?query_src=photos_index&where-taxon=Hibiscus+denudatus Images from the CalPhotos archive]External links
* [http://www.wildflower.org/plants/result.php?id_plant=HIDE LBJ Wildflower Center]
* [http://www.kenbowles.net/sdwildflowers/FamilyIndexes/TourNov05/HibiscusDenudatus9172.jpgPhoto-(High Res)--(close-up of Flower)] - (medium green serrate leaves in background)
* [http://www.swsbm.com/Images/New10-2003/Hibiscus%20denudatus-1.jpgPhoto-High Res--{Plant Form, w/flower)] ; [http://www.swsbm.com/Images/New10-2003/Hibiscus%20denudatus-1.jpgPhoto #2] ; [http://www.swsbm.com/HOMEPAGE/HomePage.html Article] - swsbm.com
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