periotic — [per΄ē ōt′ik, per΄ēät′ik] adj. [ PERI + OTIC] surrounding the inner ear; specif., of the bone (periotic bone) enclosing the inner ear of mammals … English World dictionary
Periotic — Per i*o tic, a. [Pref. peri + Gr. ?, ?, the ear.] (Anat.) Surrounding, or pertaining to the region surrounding, the internal ear; as, the periotic capsule. n. A periotic bone. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bone — is the substance that forms the skeleton of the body. It is composed chiefly of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. It also serves as a storage area for calcium, playing a large role in calcium balance in the blood. The 206 bones in the body … Medical dictionary
Temporal bone — Bone: Temporal bone Cranial bones … Wikipedia
periotic — I. |perē+ adjective Etymology: peri + otic : situated around the ear; specifically : being, relating to, or composed of the typically three bony elements that surround the internal ear and form or help to form its capsule II. noun ( s) … Useful english dictionary
periotic — Surrounding the internal ear; referring to the petrous portion of the temporal bone, or the spaces and tissues in the bony labyrinth that surround the membranous labyrinth. [peri + G. ous, ear] * * * peri·otic .per ē ōt ik … Medical dictionary
periotic — /pɛriˈɒtɪk/ (say peree otik) adjective 1. surrounding the ear. 2. denoting or relating to certain bones or bony elements which form or help to form a protective capsule for the internal ear, being usually confluent or fused, and in humans… …
Petrosal bone — Petrosal Pe*tro sal, a. [See {Petrous}.] (Anat.) (a) Hard; stony; petrous; as, the petrosal bone; petrosal part of the temporal bone. (b) Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the petrous, or petrosal, bone, or the corresponding part of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Temporal bone — Temporal Tem po*ral, a. [L. temporalis, fr. tempora the temples: cf. F. temporal. See {Temple} a part of the head.] (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the temple or temples; as, the temporal bone; a temporal artery. [1913 Webster] {Temporal bone}, a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
petrosal bone — noun also petrosal ( s) 1. : a bone corresponding to the petrous portion of the temporal bone of man 2. : a bone forming more or less of the capsule of the internal ear and composed of one or more periotic bones … Useful english dictionary