- Richard Dale Morrison
August 20 1973, Richard Dale Morrison is an American inmate convicted of damaging religious property, after he pled guilty to setting fire to an all-blackChurch of Christ inHenderson, Nevada in 1996. Sentenced to 63 months imprisonment atVictorville Prison by JudgePhilip Pro , he was the first person charged under theChurch Arson Prevention Act passed earlier that year.In March 2003, he was charged with a misdemeanour offence for assaulting
John Walker Lindh as he knelt for evening prayers in thechapel , screaming obscenities. [ [http://www.spiritus-temporis.com/john-walker-lindh/imprisonment.html John Walker Lindh - Imprisonment ] ] [http://malaurie.com/frenchamericanfriendship/images/report.pdf] Lindh was left with only minor bruises to his forehead. [Chicago Sun-Times , [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4155/is_20030704/ai_n12508199 Calif. inmate charged with attacking American Taliban] , Jul 4, 2003 ] Reports suggested that the issue was unrelated to Lindh's conviction, and was the result of a fight between Muslims andWhite Supremacist s in the prison. [Washington Post viaReuters , "Inmate Charged with Assault on 'American Taliban'" Thursday, July 3, 2003]The assault saw Morrison face a further 6 months in prison, after he was defended at the
speedy trial bypublic defender Manuel Araujo.He was released on
March 2 ,2006 .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.