Sholeh Wolpe

Sholeh Wolpe

= About Sholeh Wolpe =

Sholeh Wolpe is perhaps the first Iranian poet published in English in the United States who has translated the poems of the Iranian poet and icon, Forugh Farrokhzad (Forough Farrokhzad). Farrokhzad's work has been previously translated by Iranian scholars such as Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak (An Anthology of Modern Persian Poetry. Ed. Ehsan Yashater. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, Inc., 1978), and Amin Banani(Bride of Acacias: Selected Poems of Forugh Farrokhzad. Delmar, New York: Caravan Books, 1982), but never before by a published poet fluent in both language (Sin-Selected Poems of Forugh Farrokhzad, University of ArkansasPress 2007). Sholeh was born in Iran and educated in Europe and the United States where she pursued Masters degrees in Radio, TV, and Film from Northwestern University(MA,1983) and Public Health for Johns Hopkins University (MHS, 1986). She has been nominated twice for Pushcart Prize(2006 and 2007)and is the recipient of Peace through the Arts award by Artists Embassy International(2005). Her poems, translations, essays and reviews have appeared in scores of literary journals, periodicals and anthologies worldwide.



Wolpe's work can be found in the following anthologies:

— Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from the Middle East, Asia & Beyond ( W. W. Norton, 2008)
— Powwow: American Short Fiction from Then to Now (Da Capo Press, an imprint of the Perseus Books Group Inc., 2008)
— Been There, Read That: The Armchair Traveller's Companion (Victoria University Press, 2008)
— In Our Own Words-- A Generation Defining Itself (MW Enterprises, New York 2007)
— Evensong: Contemporary Poems of Spirituality (Bottom Dog Press, 2006) — Yellow as Turmeric, Fragrant as Cloves, — An anthology of Asian American Female Poets (Deep Bowl Press, Feb. 2008)
— Inlandia: A Literary Journey Through California's Inland Empire (Heyday Books, 2006)
— Let Me Tell You Where I've Been: New Writing by Women of the Iranian Diaspora (University of Arkansas Press, 2006)
— The Other Side of Sorrow (Poetry Society of New Hampshire 2006)
—Java Monkey Speaks (Poetry Atlanta Press, 2006)
— Strange Times, My Dear: The PEN Anthology of Contemporary Iranian Literature (Arcade Publishing, April 2005)
— Poetry That is Life: Mehregan Festival Anthology of Poetry (Ketab Gooya Publishing, 2005)
— Di-verse-city, The Austin International Poetry Festival Anthology (2005)
— City Dialogues: Life During Wartime (California Arts Council 2004)
— So Luminous the Wildflowers, An Anthology of California Poets (Tebot Bach, 2003)

Books and Recordings

[ Rooftops of Tehran] ( Red Hen Press, 2008)
[ Sin — Poetry of Forugh Farrokhzad] (University of Arkansas Press, Oct. 2007)
[ The Scar Saloon] (Red Hen Press, 2004)
The Scar Saloon CD (Refuge Studios, 2005)
The Painted Sun (Confluence Press, 2002)

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