- Ronald Bunting
Major Ronald Terence Bunting was a
British Army officer and Unionist political figure inNorthern Ireland .Bunting was commissioned into the Armagh and Down
Army Cadet Force in May 1946 and resigned in March 1950 when he transferred to theRoyal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers as aLieutenant . He was promotedCaptain in 1952 and retired with the honorary rank ofMajor in 1960.Bunting's first involvement with politics was as election agent to
Republican Labour Party MPGerry Fitt [ [http://www.celestialfenian.com/Ronnie_Bunting_Bio.htm Ronnie Bunting bio] ] , although he broke from Fitt and became a close associate ofIan Paisley . In this role Bunting would come to play a leading role in Paisley's campaigns against the Catholiccivil rights movement, as well as running unsuccessfully for theProtestant Unionist Party in the Northern Ireland general election of 1969 in Belfast Victoria.Major Bunting formed his own strong-arm group which he dubbed the Loyal Citizens of Ulster, although in truth the LCU, which existed between 1968 and 1969, was little more than another name for the East
Belfast arm of theUlster Protestant Volunteers . [Peter Barberis, John McHugh & Mike Tyldesley, "Encyclopedia of British and Irish Political Organizations", p. 233] At the head of this group, Bunting lead the protests against the 1969 Belfast toDerry march organised by thePeople's Democracy , which resulted in a particularly bloody confrontation at Burntollet. [ [http://cain.ulst.ac.uk/events/pdmarch/egan.htm 'Burntollet' by Bowes Egan and Vincent McCormack] ] In a fiery court case in 1969 Bunting was sentenced to three months imprisonment along with Paisley for his role in the disturbances. [ [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/court_and_social/the_hitch/article856629.ece On This Day The Times, January 28, 1969] ]Bunting's son
Ronnie Bunting would go on to serve as a member of theOfficial Irish Republican Army and theIrish National Liberation Army before he was murdered by theUlster Defence Association in 1980. Following his son's death Major Bunting took no further role in politics, although his involvement had faded after his imprisonment, and later told an inquest that he felt his son had been killed because of his belief insocial justice . [Martin Dillon , "The Dirty War", p. 270]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.