Racconti romani

Racconti romani

infobox Book |
name = Racconti Romani
title_orig =
translator =

image_caption = cover to "Opere, v.3, t.1 which contains Moravia's Racconti Romani"
author = Alberto Moravia
illustrator =
cover_artist =
country = Italy
language = Italian
series =
genre =
publisher = Bompiani
release_date = 2004
english_release_date =
media_type = Book
pages = 2193
isbn = 8845232999

Racconti Romani ("Roman Tales") are a series of 61 short stories (often referred to as "sketches") written by the Italian author, Alberto Moravia. Written and published initially in the Italian newspaper, "Il Corriere della Sera", they were published as a collection in 1954 by Bompiani. All of the stories are set in Rome after World War II or its surroundings and focus on 'the common people of Rome' ("Roma popolana"). [ [http://www.radio.rai.it/radioscrigno/trasmettiamo/trasmettiamo_lancio.cfm?Q_IDSCHEDA=183 Rai Radiofonia - Radioscrigno ] ] The characters in these stories tend to be the unemployed, ex-convicts, waiters, drivers, con artists, thieves and petty criminals, the average man (or woman) and the lower classes aspiring to climb out of poverty ("Roma popolana").

All the stories are told in the first person with the narrator often unnamed, although details are usually furnished to provide a clue to the narrator's identity, such as their occupation, motivations and social status. Moravia's "Racconti Romani" provide a snapshot on life in Rome after World War II, revealing much about the inhabitants of Rome in the early 1950s.

Titles of the short stories

Below is a list of the names of the short stories that comprise the "Racconti Romani". Their order is the same presented in volume 3, tome 1 of Alberto Moravia's, "Opere" (ISBN 8845244148), a multi-volume set containing all of Moravia's writings published by Bompiani in 2000:

* Fanatico
* Arrivederci
* Pioggia di maggio
* Non approfondire
* La bella serata
* Scherzi del caldo
* La contrafigura
* Il pagliaccio
* Il biglietto falso
* Il camionista
* Il pensatore
* Scorfani
* Il mediatore
* Il pupo
* Il delitto perfetto ("The Perfect Crime")
* Il picche nicche
* La voglia di vino
* Prepotente per forza
* Sciupone
* La giornata nera
* I gioielli
* Tabù
* Io non dico di no
* L'inconsciente
* Il provino
* Il pignolo
* La ciociara
* Impataccato
* Scherzi di ferragosto
* Il terrore di Roma
* L'amicizia
* La rovina dell'umanità
* Perdipiedi
* Vecchio stupido
* Caterina
* La parola mamma
* Gli occhiali
* Il cane cinese
* Mario
* Gli amici senza soldi
* Bu bu bu
* Ladri in chiesa
* Precisamente a te
* Faccia di mascalzone
* Un uomo sfortunato
* Tirato a sorte
* Pigliati un brodo
* La vita in campagna
* Le sue giornate
* La gita
* La rivincita di Tarzan
* Romolo e Remo ("Romulus and Remus")
* Faccia da norcino
* L'appetito
* L'infermiera
* Il tesoro
* La concorrenza
* Bassetto
* Il guardiano
* Il naso
* Il godipoco

In Translation

A handful of Moravia's "Racconti Romani" were published in an English translation, entitled " [http://worldcat.org/oclc/592462 Roman Tales] ", in 1957 by Farrar, Straus and Cudahy. Unfortunately, this collection of translated stories is no longer in print but can be found in dozens of libraries worldwide or on the used book market.

In Print

Moravia's "Racconti Romani" are still in print and are available from Bompiani as part of the mult-volume set, "Opere" (ISBN 8845244148), published in 2000. The stories themselves were republished in 2001 from Bompiani, entitled "Racconti Romani" (ISBN 8845248976). Both editions are currently in print.

Radio Broadcasts

Ten of Moravia's "Racconti Romani" were converted into radio broadcasts by RAI television in 1959 (see link below to "Romolo e Remo"). With the advent of audiobooks, several Italian publishing entities have released audiobooks of these short stories.

*" [http://www.ilnarratore.com/show.php?type=author&language=en&aid=141&tpl=/eng/autore.tpl.html Pioggia di Maggio] "
*" [http://www.radio.rai.it/radioscrigno/trasmettiamo/trasmettiamo_lancio.cfm?Q_IDSCHEDA=183 Romolo e Remo] "

Film Adaptations

Moravia's "Racconti Romani" has been adapted into film twice. The first, in 1955, under director Gianni Franciolini starring Totò, Vittorio De Sica, and Giovanna Ralli. A second film, "La giornata balorda", filmed in 1966 and directed by Mauro Bolognini, also borrowed from Moravia's stories. [ [http://www.radio.rai.it/radioscrigno/trasmettiamo/trasmettiamo_lancio.cfm?Q_IDSCHEDA=183 Rai Radiofonia - Radioscrigno ] ]

Criticism and Interpretation

Below is a list of invaluable sources about Moravia's "Racconti Romani" -- all are in Italian unless otherwise noted:
* Camilucci, Marcello. "Roma e i "Racconti romani" di Moravia" , "Studi romani", 6:5 (1958:sett./ott.) p.547-561
* Lauta, Gianluca. "La scrittura di Moravia: lingua e stile dagli Indifferenti ai Racconti romani". Comunicazione e scienze umane, 1. Milano: F. Angeli, 2005.
* Moravia, Alberto, and Piero Cudini. "Racconti romani". Tascabili Bompiani. Milano: Bompiani, 2005. (especially introduction by Piero Cudini)
* Moravia, Alberto, Rocco Capozzi, and Mario B. Mignone. Homage to Moravia. Filibrary Series, no. 5. Stony Brook, NY: Forum Italicum, 1993.


External links

* [http://italianlit.blogspot.com/2007/05/racconti-romani-1954.html Racconti Romani]

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