


caption=Smasher by Dave Cockrum
real_name=Vril Rokk
publisher=Marvel Comics
debut="X-Men" #107 (Oct 1977)
creators=Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum
alliances=Imperial Guard
powers=Flight, ability to download other powers.|

Smasher is a fictional character in the Marvel Universe.

Publication history

Smasher first appeared in "X-Men" #107 (October 1977-February 1978), and was created by Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum.

The character subsequently appears in "X-Men" #137 (September 1980), "Classic X-Men" #43 (January 1990), "X-Men: Spotlight on Starjammers" #2 (June 1990), "Uncanny X-Men" #275 (April 1991), "Quasar" #32 (March 1992), "Thor" #446 (April 1992), "Avengers West Coast" #82 (May 1992), "Starblast" #2 (February 1994), "Quasar" #55 (February 1994), "Starjammers" #4 (January 1996), "Untold Legend of Captain Marvel" #1-3 (April-June 1997), "Inhumans" Vol. 4 #4 (September 2000), "New X-Men" #117 (October 2001), #122 (April 2002), #124-126 (May-July 2002), "JLA/Avengers" #1 (September 2003), "X-Force" #5-6 (February-March 2005), and "Uncanny X-Men" #477 (October 2006), and #480 (January 2007).

Smasher appeared as part of the "Imperial Guard" entry in the "Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition" #6.

Fictional character biography

Smasher is a long-time member of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. He is superhumanly strong and durable, and can fly under his own power. He can "download" powers via the special goggles that he wears; so far he has been seen to obtain in this manner "penta-vision", which may be a form of clairvoyance or X-ray vision, and the ability to travel into hyperspace ("4-space") without a vehicle. He has been romantically linked with Plutonia.

When Cassandra Nova was decimating the Shi'ar empire, Smasher was one of the few entities that managed to personally protect the empress Lilandra. Under protest, Smasher is ordered to travel to Earth to warn the X-Men about the threat Nova posed. He crash lands in a field full of cows. He does not make it to the mansion until well after the Imperial Guard, brainwashed by Nova, were attempting to kill the X-Men. His presence manages to convince the Guard to fight against Nova, although he and the others were swiftly defeated by her.

Smasher is later killed by Vulcan, a powerful mutant who attempts to conquer the Shi'ar empire.

Other versions

*In the alternate future of "X-Men: The End" Smasher is a veteran Guardian on duty when the plans of the series main villain is revealed. He attacks with a small group of other Guardians. They are all slain, Smasher's neck is snapped. ["X-Men: The End: Book 3: Men & X-Men" #1-2 (March-April 2006)]

*Smasher also appears in "Star Trek/X-Men" #1 (December 1996). He, and several other members of the Imperial Guard assist Deathbird in a mission.

In other media

In the "X-Men Animated Series", Smasher appears in "The Phoenix Saga" and "The Dark Phoenix Saga" alongside the rest of the Imperial Guard.


Several of the members of the Imperial Guard are at least partly based on members of the DC Comics team Legion of Super-Heroes. (Dave Cockrum, co-creator of the Guard, also had a long run as artist on the Legion. Smasher is based on LSH member Ultra Boy.Fact|date=June 2008


External links


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  • smasher — [ sma(t)ʃe ] v. intr. <conjug. : 1> • smacher 1906; de smash ♦ Anglic. Faire un smash. ● smasher verbe intransitif et verbe transitif Effectuer un smash (sur une balle, un adversaire). smasher v. intr. Faire un smash. ⇒SMASHER, verbe SPORTS …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Smasher — Smash er (sm[a^]sh [ e]r), n. 1. One who, or that which, smashes or breaks things to pieces. [1913 Webster] 2. Anything very large or extraordinary. [Slang] [1913 Webster] 3. One who passes counterfeit coin. [Cant, Eng.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • smasher — ► NOUN 1) a person or device that smashes something. 2) Brit. informal a very attractive or impressive person or thing …   English terms dictionary

  • smasher — [smash′ər] n. 1. a person or thing that smashes 2. [Informal, Chiefly Brit.] a handsome, attractive, or beautiful person or thing …   English World dictionary

  • Smasher — Pour une définition du mot « smasher », voir l’article smasher du Wiktionnaire. Smasher est un personnage fictif créé par Marvel Comics. Il est apparu pour la première fois dans X Men #107, en 1977. Il est à noter que certains membres… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • smasher — UK [ˈsmæʃə(r)] / US [ˈsmæʃər] noun [countable] Word forms smasher : singular smasher plural smashers British informal old fashioned 1) something that is very impressive or very attractive 2) a very attractive person, especially a woman …   English dictionary

  • smasher — /smash euhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that smashes. 2. a person or thing that is excellent, impressive, extraordinary, or the like: That new off Broadway show is a real smasher. [1785 95; SMASH + ER1] * * * …   Universalium

  • smasher — noun (C) BrE old fashioned someone that you think is very attractive, or something that is very good: It s a beautiful boat a real smasher! …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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