Tradescantia pallida

Tradescantia pallida

name = "Tradescantia pallida"

image_caption = A flowering "Tradescantia pallida" plant
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Monocots
unranked_ordo = Commelinids
ordo = Commelinales
familia = Commelinaceae
genus = "Tradescantia"
species = "T. pallida"
binomial = "Tradescantia pallida"
binomial_authority = (Rose) D. Hunt
synonyms = "Setcreasea pallida" "Setcreasea purpurea" "Purple Heart" "Purple Queen" "Wandering Jew"|

"Tradescantia pallida" is a species of spiderwort (a genus of New World plants) more commonly known as "Wandering Jew", a name it shares with the closely related cultivars "T. fluminensis" and "T. zebrina". The colloquialism "Wandering Jew" is of indeterminate provenance insofar as being applied to the plant in question; it cannot really be said when, where, or by whom it was first called this, but, considering the term's negative connotation, it would perhaps be safe to assume that the originator's intent was not to highlight the plant's more favourable qualities.

"T. pallida" can be primarily described as an evergreen perennial plant of scrambling stature native to the Gulf Coast region of Mexico. It is distinguished by elongated, pointed leaves - themselves glaucous green, fringed with red or purple - and bearing small, sterile three-petaled flowers of white, pink or purple. Widely used as an ornamental plant in gardens and borders, as a ground cover, hanging plant, or - particularly in colder climates where it cannot survive the winter season - houseplant, it is propagated easily by cuttings (the stems are visibly segmented and roots will frequently grow from the joints). However, this very characteristic, in addition to the fact that it is remarkably shade-tolerant and can thrive in a wide range of soil conditions, makes "T. pallida" quite formidable should it be encountered in situations where it has not been intentionally cultivated and carefully maintained. In areas throughout the southern United States and Australia, it is considered an invasive weed and has defied many attempts at control or eradication.

There is some controversy regarding the correct scientific name for this plant species, with certain authorities continuing to refer to it as "Setcreasea purpurea" or "Setcreasea pallida". The comparatively more recent denomination "Tradescantia pallida" appears to enjoy greater acceptance and wider usage at the present time.

External links

* [ Standard Data Report: Tradescantia pallida] - Integrated Taxonomic Information System
* [ PLANTS Profile: Tradescantia pallida] - National Resources Conservation Service (US Department of Agriculture)
* [ Taxonomy Browser: Setcreasea purpurea] - National Center for Biotechnology Information (US National Institutes of Health)
* [ Desert Tropicals] - Informational database on common gardening plants, based out of Phoenix, Arizona, USA
* [ Dave's Garden] - Community website for home gardeners providing supplies, techniques, and discussion forums.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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