Camelina sativa

Camelina sativa

name = Camelina

regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
unranked_ordo = Rosids
ordo = Brassicales
familia = Brassicaceae
genus = "Camelina"
species = "C. sativa"
binomial = "Camelina sativa"
binomial_authority = L. Crantz|

"Camelina sativa", usually known in English as gold-of-pleasure or false flax, also occasionally wild flax, linseed dodder, camelina, German sesame, and Siberian oilseed, is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae which includes mustard, cabbage, rapeseed, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, brussels sprouts. It is native to Northern Europe and to Central Asian areas, but has been introduced to North America, possibly as a weed in flax.

It has been traditionally cultivated as an oilseed crop to produce vegetable oil and animal feed. There is ample archeological evidence to show it has been grown in Europe for at least 3,000 years. The earliest findsites include the Neolithic levels at Auvernier, Switzerland (dated to the second millennium BC), the Chalcolithic level at Pefkakia in Greece (dated to the third millennium BC), and Sucidava-Celei, Romania ("circa" 2200 BC).Daniel Zohary and Maria Hopf, "Domestication of plants in the Old World", third edition (Oxford: University Press, 2000), pp. 138f] During the Bronze age and Iron age it was an important agricultural crop in northern Greece beyond the current range of the olive. [Harvard citation|Jones|Valamoti|2005|p=575] [Harvard citation|Megaloudi|2006|p=57] It apparently continued to be grown at the time of the Roman Empire, although its Greek and Latin names are not known. [Harvard citation|Dalby|2003|p=161] According to Zohary and Hopf, until the 1940s "C. sativa" was an important oil crop in eastern and central Europe, and currently has continued to be cultivated in a few parts of Europe for its seed which was used, for example, in oil lamps (until the modern harnessing of natural and propane and electricity) and as an edible oil.

The crop is now being researched due to its exceptionally high levels (up to 45%) of omega-3 fatty acids, which is uncommon in vegetable sources. Over 50% of the fatty acids in cold pressed Camelina oil are polyunsaturated. The major components are alpha-linolenic acid - C18:3 (omega-3-fatty acid, approx 35-45%) and linoleic acid - C18:2 (omega-6 fatty acid, approx 15-20%). The oil is also very rich in natural antioxidants, such as tocopherols, making this highly stable oil very resistant to oxidation and rancidity. It has 1 - 3% erucic acid. The vitamin E content of camelina oil is approximately 110mg/100g. It is well suited for use as a cooking oil. It has an almond-like flavor and aroma. It may become more commonly known and become an important food oil for the future.

Because of its certain apparent health benefits and its technical stability gold-of-pleasure and camelina oil are being added to the growing list of foods considered as functional foods. Gold-of-pleasure is also of interest for its very low requirements for tillage and weed control. This could potentially allow vegetable oil to be produced more cheaply than from traditional oil crops, which would be particularly attractive to biodiesel producers looking for a feedstock cheap enough to allow them to compete with petroleum diesel and gasoline. [ Great Plains - The Camelina Company] began research efforts with camelina over 10 years ago. They are currently contracting with growers throughout the U.S. and Canada to grow camelina for biodiesel production. A company in Seattle, Targeted Growth, is also developing camelina. [Harvard citation|Seattle Times|, November 21, 2007|page=C1]

The subspecies "C. sativa" subsp. "linicola" is considered a weed in flax fields. In fact, attempts to separate its seed from flax seeds with a winnowing machine over the years have selected for seeds which are similar in size to flax seeds, an example of Vavilovian mimicry.



*Harvard reference | Surname=Dalby | Given=Andrew | Authorlink=Andrew Dalby | Title=Food in the ancient world from A to Z | Publisher=Routledge | Place=London, New York | Year=2003 | ISBN=0415232597
*Citation | doi = 10.1007/s00334-005-0004-z | last1 = Jones | first1 = G. | last2 = Valamoti | first2 = S.M. | year = 2005 | title = Lallemantia, an imported or introduced oil plant in Bronze Age northern Greece | journal = Vegetation History and Archaeobotany | volume = 14 | issue = 4 | pages = 571-577
*Harvard reference | Surname=Megaloudi | Given=Fragkiska | Title=Plants and Diet in Greece from Neolithic to Classic Periods: the archaeobotanical remains | Publisher=Archaeopress | Place=Oxford | Year=2006 | ISBN=1841719498
*D.H. Putnam, J.T. Budin, L.A. Field, and W.M. Breene (1993) " [ Camelina: A Promising Low-Input Oilseed] ". p. 314-322. In: J. Janick and J.E. Simon (eds.), New crops. Wiley, New York.
*Harvard reference | Surname=Seattle Times (Angel Gonzalez) | Authorlink=Angel Gonzalez | Title=Seeding the way to better biofuels | Place=Seattle, WA, USA | Year=November 21, 2007

External links

* [ PLANTS Profile: Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz]
* [ "Evaluation of Camelina sativa oil as a feedstock for biodiesel production", " Industrial Crops and Products", Vol. 21 Issue 1 (January 2005), pp. 25-31]
* [ Great Plains - The Camelina Company]

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  • Camelina sativa — gold of pleasure gold of pleasure n. (Bot.) An annual European false flax ({Camelina sativa}) having small white flowers; cultivated since Neolithic times as a source of fiber and for its oil rich seeds; widely naturalized in North America. Syn:… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Camelina sativa — gold of pleasure gold of pleasure n. (Bot.) An annual European false flax ({Camelina sativa}) having small white flowers; cultivated since Neolithic times as a source of fiber and for its oil rich seeds; widely naturalized in North America. Syn:… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Camelina sativa — Oilseed Oil seed , n. (Bot.) (a) Seed from which oil is expressed, as the castor bean; also, the plant yielding such seed. See {Castor bean}. (b) A cruciferous herb ({Camelina sativa}). (c) The sesame. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Camelina sativa — ID 13503 Symbol Key CASA2 Common Name gold of pleasure Family Brassicaceae Category Dicot Division Magnoliophyta US Nativity Introduced to U.S. US/NA Plant Yes State Distribution AK, AZ, CT, DE, IA, ID, IL, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT …   USDA Plant Characteristics

  • Camelina sativa — noun annual European false flax having small white flowers; cultivated since Neolithic times as a source of fiber and for its oil rich seeds; widely naturalized in North America • Syn: ↑gold of pleasure • Hypernyms: ↑crucifer, ↑cruciferous plant… …   Useful english dictionary

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