Benedikt Kotruljević

Benedikt Kotruljević

Benedikt "Beno" Kotruljević (also Benedetto Cotrugli; 1416, Dubrovnik - 1469, Aquila) was a Dubrovnik merchant, economist, scientist, diplomat and humanist. He was born in Dubrovnik in the Republic of Dubrovnik and died in Aquila in the Kingdom of Naples.

As a diplomat of the Kingdom of Naples, he spent some 15 years in the Court of Naples where he led many discussions and polished his thoughts on humanist subjects.

The earliest extant copy of the Kotruljević manuscript Libro de l'Arte de la Mercatura (Book on the Art of Trade) is kept in the National Library of Malta and is dated 1475, although the original manuscript was dated 1458.[1] The text of his 1458 manuscript is followed by an appendix containing an inventory and many journal entries. It predates the description, not invention, by Luca Pacioli of the modern double-entry system in his Summa de Arithmetica of 1494.


  1. ^ Basil S. Yamey (1994). "Benedikt Kotruljević on bookkeeping (1458)". Accounting, Business & Financial History 4(1): 43-50.

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