- Amend (motion)
The motion to amend, in parliamentary procedure, is used to modify another motion.
Explanation and Use
Amend (RONR) Class Subsidiary motion In order when another has the floor? No Requires second? Yes Debatable? Yes, if motion to be amended is debatable May be reconsidered? Yes Amendable? Yes Vote required: Majority Main Motions
Any main motion and any motion to amend may be amended. However, a motion to amend a motion to amend may not be amended, due to the overly complex parliamentary situation that would frequently result.[1]
Secondary Motions
Secondary motions that, by their nature, include a variable element, also may be amended. For example, the motion to postpone may be amended as to the length of the postponement; the motion to limit or extend limits of debate may be amended as to the number or length of speeches or the total time to be consumed; and the motion to commit or refer may be amended as to the details of the committee or the time within which the committee must report.
Forms and Uses of the Motion
The motion to amend takes three basic forms:
- Inserting or adding words or paragraphs.
- Striking out words or paragraphs.
- Striking out words and inserting or adding others, or substituting an entire paragraph or complete resolution for another.
A Substitute Amendment is an amendment that would replace existing language of a bill or another amendment with its own [2].
An amendment can be used to water down a motion into a form that is more likely to be accepted or to convert it into a form that is more likely to be rejected [3].
See also
- Shell bill
- Substitute Amendment
- ^ Robert, Henry M. (2000). Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 10th ed., p. 126 (RONR)
- ^ http://www.votesmart.org/resource_govt101_02.php
- ^ RONR, p.150
Parliamentary procedure Major concepts Deliberative assembly · Motions · Main motion · Quorum · Session · Chair · Committee · Committee of the whole · Dilatory motions and tactics · Minutes · Second · History of parliamentary procedure · Principles of parliamentary procedure · Voting methods in deliberative assemblies · FloorSubsidiary motions Privileged motions Incidental motions Incidental motions
(Requests and inquiries)Motions that bring a question
again before the assemblyLegislative procedure Disciplinary procedures Parliamentary authorities Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR) · The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure (TSC or Sturgis) · Demeter's Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure · Riddick's Rules of Procedure · Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure · Erskine May: Parliamentary PracticeCategories:- Subsidiary motions
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