

company_name = Eureko B.V.
company_type = Private
foundation = 1992
company_slogan =
location = Zeist, the Netherlands
key_people =
products = Health Insurance Life Insurance Property insurance
Casualty insurance
homepage = []
industry = Insurance
num_employees = 21,784 (2006)
revenue = profit 14.03 billion (2006)
net_income = profit 0.985 billion (2006)
subsid = Achmea
Friends First
Garanti Sigorta
Império France

operating_income =
slogan =

Eureko is a large European insurance company based in the Netherlands. The company was formed in 1992 and has operations in the Netherlands, France, Ireland, Turkey, Slovakia, Belgium, Luxembourg, Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus. The company grew significantly in 2005 when Rabobank merged its insurance company, Interpolis, into Eureko in exchange for a 37% share in the company. A majority of the shares are owned by the foundation Achmea.

The company currently focusses on expanding its business in eastern and southern Europe, and has acquired a 33% share in PZU of Poland, and intends to expand its share to 50%.


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