Chronicle of Moissac

Chronicle of Moissac

The Chronicle of Moissac (also known as Chronicon Moissiancense) is an anonymous compilation that was discovered at the abbey of Moissac, but is now thought to have been compiled in the Catalan monastery of Ripoll in the end of the tenth century.[1] Like most chronicles, it begins with Adam, but gains increasing interest for historians as it nears its end date of 828. Unfortunately the entries covering the years 716-770 are missing.[2]

The compiler seems to have used early annals that had been compiled in southwest Francia, otherwise untraced, which contribute as primarcy sources for the career of Charlemagne and the military, political and ecclesiastical history of his times.


  1. ^ Roger Collins, Charlemagne (University of Toronto Press) 1998:6.
  2. ^ Collins 1998:6.