

name = "Xyleborus"

image_caption = "Xyleborus dryographus" (female)
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
subphylum = Hexapoda
classis = Insecta
subclassis = Pterygota
infraclassis = Neoptera
superordo = Endopterygota
ordo = Coleoptera
subordo = Polyphaga
infraordo = Cucujiformia
superfamilia = Curculionoidea
familia = Curculionidae
subfamilia = Scolytinae
tribus = Xyleborini
genus = "Xyleborus"
genus_authority = Eichhoff, 1864
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =About 535, see text
synonyms ="Anaeretus" Duges, 1887"Anisandrus" Ferrari, 1867"Boroxylon" Hopkins, 1915"Heteroborips" Reitter, 1913"Mesoscolytus" Broun, 1904"Notoxyleborus" Schedl, 1934"Phloeotrogus" Motschulsky, 1863"Progenius" Blandford, 1896"Xyleborips" Reitter, 1913

With over 500 species, "Xyleborus" is by far the largest bark beetle genus in the tribe Xyleborini.MSU (2004)]

"Xyloborus" nowadays includes a high number of formerly independent genera. In addition, the genera "Coptoborus", "Cryptoxyleborus" and "Euwallacea" are often included here too; this may be correct as they seems to be very close relatives. Less often, "Ambrosiodmus", "Premnobius" and "Xyleborinus" are included in "Xyleborus" but they seem to be well distinct; "Premnobius" might even not belong to the Xyleborini at all.

The different species can be best told apart from the gallery burrows they build and from what trees they infest. A rather notorious member is "X. dispar" which causes pear blight.

=Selected species=

* "Xyleborus affinis" Eichhoff, 1868
* "Xyleborus atratus" Eichhoff, 1875
* "Xyleborus californicus" Wood, 1975 - may belong in "Cyclorhipidion"
* "Xyleborus celsus" Eichhoff, 1868
* "Xyleborus cryptographus" (Ratzeburg, 1837)
* "Xyleborus dispar" (Fabricius, 1792)
* "Xyleborus dryographus" (Ratzeburg, 1837)
* "Xyleborus eurygraphus" (Ratzeburg, 1837)
* "Xyleborus ferrugineus" (Fabricius, 1801)
* "Xyleborus glabratus" Eichhoff, 1877
* "Xyleborus horridus" Eichhoff, 1869
* "Xyleborus impressus" Eichhoff, 1868
* "Xyleborus intrusus" Blandford, 1898
* "Xyleborus inurbanus" (Broun, 1880)
* "Xyleborus monographus" (Fabricius, 1792)
* "Xyleborus obesus" LeConte, 1868
* "Xyleborus pelliculosus" Eichhoff, 1878 - may belong in "Cyclorhipidion"
* "Xyleborus perforans" (Wollaston, 1857)
* "Xyleborus pfeilii" (Ratzeburg, 1837)
* "Xyleborus planicollis" Zimmermann, 1868
* "Xyleborus pubescens" Zimmermann, 1868
* "Xyleborus sayi" (Hopkins, 1915)
* "Xyleborus similis" Ferrari, 1867
* "Xyleborus viduus" Eichhoff, 1878
* "Xyleborus volvulus" (Fabricius, 1775)
* "Xyleborus xylographus" (Say, 1826)



* (2004): PEET Xyleborini - [http://xyleborini.tamu.edu/browse.php?genus=Xyleborus "Xyleborus" species list] . Retrieved 2008-JUL-08.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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