

name = Adamit
foundation = August 1958
founded_by = Hashomer Hatzair members
region = Western Galilee
council = Mateh Asher
industry = Agriculture
affiliation = Kibbutz Movement

pushpin_mapsize = 250
latd=33 |latm=4 |lats=42.27
longd=35 |longm=12 |longs=39.59

Adamit ( _he. אֲדָמִית) is a kibbutz in northern Israel. Located in the western Galilee in Israel near the border with Lebanon, it falls under the jurisdiction of Mateh Asher Regional Council. In 2006 it had a population of 96.


The kibbutz was founded in August 1958 by graduates of the youth movement Hashomer Hatzair, and was named after the adjacent ruins of Aidmit. In 1967 the kibbutz was abandoned, and the only inhabitants whom remained were Nahal groups.

In 1971 the kibbutz was resettled by new immigrants from England, United States and Canada, after they went through a one year training in the kibbutz Mishmar Ha'emek. During that time the kibbutz members earned a living mainly from the agriculture branch based on field crops, tree plantations, orchards and avocado crops, tobacco, chickpeas, chicken coop, bananas and grapes.

Later on the kibbutz expanded with the absorption of additional Nahal group members.

During 1980s the kibbutz's situation deteriorated because of accumulation of financial debts. Eventually the municipal union of the kibbutz was put under administrative receivership. During the 1990s and during the 2000s under the administrative receivership new lands were designated for new inhabitants in the southern part of the kibbutz and were sold to the new residents in order to cover the debts of the kibbutz.


Residents earn their livelihood from agriculture of field crops, tree plantations, orchards and avocado. The kibbutz also has a factory which produces metal slivers, and its inhabitants also earn a living from renting Boarding houses to tourists.

The kibbutz has a swimming pool and clinic.

Adjacent tourist attractions include the Montfort Castle and the Rosh HaNikra grottoes.

External links

* [ Adamit Shelanu]

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