Arma Christi

Arma Christi

The Arma Christi or Weapons of Christ is another name for the Instruments of the Passion. They are arms in the sense of heraldry, and also as the weapons Christ used to achieve his ends. They have a long tradition in iconography, dating back to the 9th century (the Utrecht Psalter of 830 for example). Miniatures of these objects were attached to rosaries and crucifixes, or drawn as aids to contemplation of the suffering of Christ. Those who had renounced the "weapons of this world" (2 Cor 10:4), the Arma Christi sought consolation and a weapon against temptation aided by these tokens [] .

The items may include:
*column from the Flagellation of Christ
*crown of thorns
*bucket (for the vinegar)

ee also

*Man of Sorrows
*Attributed arms
*Scutum Fidei (the medieval heraldic arms of the Trinity)


* [ Weapons of Christ]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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