

Seminoma is one type of testicular cancer [DorlandsDict|seven/000095781|Seminoma] that is believed to originate from the germinal epithelium of the seminiferous tubules.


They produce bulky masses that can be up to ten times the size of a normal testis.


Gene|POU2AF1 and Gene|PROM1 have been proposed as possible markers.cite journal |author=Gashaw I, Dushaj O, Behr R, "et al" |title=Novel germ cell markers characterize testicular seminoma and fetal testis |journal=Mol. Hum. Reprod. |volume=13 |issue=10 |pages=7217 |year=2007 |pmid=17785371 |doi=10.1093/molehr/gam059]

Peak incidence occurs in the 4th decade of life. Histology shows large cells, clear cytoplasm, distinct cell membranes, and septated arcitecture.


In recent years, these tumors have been shown to have dramatic sensitivity to both radiotherapy and cytotoxic chemotherapy. The management of childhood seminoma is similar to that of adult seminoma. Orchidectomy is required in almost all cases.

Relation to "spermatocytic seminoma"

Spermatocytic seminomas are not considered a subtype of seminoma and unlike other germ cell tumours do not arise from "intratubular germ cell neoplasia". [cite journal |author=Müller J, Skakkebaek NE, Parkinson MC |title=The spermatocytic seminoma: views on pathogenesis |journal=Int. J. Androl. |volume=10 |issue=1 |pages=14756 |year=1987 |month=February |pmid=3583416 |doi= |url=]



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