- World Wind central
World Wind Central is a community portal for users and developers of
NASA 'sopen source World Wind satellite imaging software. As well as hosting aWiki and forums the servers are used to process and serve imagery, such as the data for the [http://www.worldwindcentral.com/wiki/Add-on:2005_Hurricane_Imagery_Add-On 2005 Hurricane Imagery Add-On] , also the high resolution imagery [http://www.worldwindcentral.com/wiki/Add-on:ZoomIt! ZoomIt] data available in the default install of NASA World Wind is provided by the World Wind Central servers.Features of this site include:
* [http://forum.worldwindcentral.com/ Forums] community discussion areas.
* [http://www.worldwindcentral.com/hotspots/ Hotspots] are screenshots of interesting locations taken with NASA World Wind.
* [http://www.worldwindcentral.com/wiki/Main_Page Knowledge base] a Wiki with instructions for using NASA World Wind and advanced documentation for developers.
* [http://www.worldwindcentral.com/wiki/Add-ons Add-ons] a list of most of the add-ons available for NASA World Wind.
* [http://www.worldwindcentral.com/wiki/Developer_Mailing_Lists Mailing lists] for discussing NASA World Wind development issues.
* [http://www.worldwindcentral.com/wiki/Chat Chat] provides support for World Wind.
* [http://www.worldwindcentral.com/link/ Geographic link converter] converts web site map URLs to NASA World Wind links.External links
* [http://worldwind.arc.nasa.gov/ World Wind website at NASA]
* [http://www.worldwindcentral.com/ World Wind Central]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.