- List of stochastic processes topics
In the
mathematics ofprobability , astochastic process can be thought of as a random function. In practical applications, the domain over which the function is defined is a time interval ("time series ") or a region of space ("random field ").Familiar examples of time series include
stock market and exchange rate fluctuations, signals such as speech, audio and video; medical data such as a patient'sEKG , EEG, blood pressure or temperature; and random movement such asBrownian motion orrandom walk s.Examples of random fields include static images, random topographies (landscapes), or composition variations of an inhomogeneous material.
tochastic processes topics
:"This list is currently incomplete." See also
Bernoulli process :discrete-time processes with two possible states.
**Bernoulli scheme s: discrete-time processes with "N" possible states; every stationary process in "N" outcomes is a Bernoulli scheme, and vice-versa.
*Birth-death process
*Branching process
*Brownian bridge
*Brownian motion
*Chinese restaurant process
*CIR process
*Continuous stochastic process
*Cox process
*Dirichlet process es
*Finite-dimensional distribution
*Galton–Watson process
*Gamma process
*Gaussian process - processes where all linear combinations of coordinates are normally distributed random variables.
**Gauss-Markov process (cf. below)
*Girsanov's theorem
*Homogeneous process es: processes where the domain has somesymmetry and the finite-dimensional probability distributions also have that symmetry. Special cases includestationary process es, also called time-homogeneous.
*Karhunen-Loève theorem
*Lévy process
*Local time (mathematics)
*Loop-erased random walk
*Markov process es are those in which the future is conditionally independent of the past given the present.
**Markov chain
**Continuous-time Markov process
**Markov process
**Semi-Markov process
**Gauss-Markov process es: processes that are both Gaussian and Markov
*Martingales -- processes with constraints on the expectation
*Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
*Point process es: random arrangements of points in a space S. They can be modelled as stochastic processes where the domain is a sufficiently large family of subsets of S, ordered by inclusion; the range is the set of natural numbers; and, if A is a subset of B, f(A) le f(B) with probability 1.
*Poisson process
**Compound Poisson process
*Population process
*Queueing theory
** Queue
*Random field
**Gaussian random field
**Markov random field
*Sample continuous process
*Stationary process
*Stochastic calculus
**Itō calculus
**Malliavin calculus
**Stratonovich integral
*Stochastic differential equation
*Stochastic process
*Telegraph process
*Time series
*Wiener process
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