- Meeting in Karađorđevo
The Karađorđevo meeting was an meeting betweenTuđman and Milošević during Karađorđevo meeting
Croatia n President Franjo Tuđman andSerbia n President Slobodan Milošević to redistributeBosnia and Herzegovina between Croatia and Serbia. Serbia wanted all lands where Serbs had a majority, eastern and western Bosnia. Croatian leader Franjo Tuđman also aimed at securing parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina with Croatian majority. Secret discussions between Franjo Tuđman andSlobodan Milošević on the division of Bosnia and Herzegovina were held as early as March 1991 which will be later known as the Karađorđevo agreement. The policies of the Republic of Croatia and its leader Franjo Tuđman towards Bosnia and Herzegovina were never totally transparent and in words of ICTY judgement always included Franjo Tuđman’s ultimate aim of expanding Croatia’s borders. cite web|url=http://www.un.org/icty/naletilic/trialc/judgement/nal-tj030331-1.htm#IIA|title=ICTY: Naletilić and Martinović verdict - A. Historical background|]The meeting was held in
Karađorđevo ,Vojvodina ,Serbia in March, 1991. At the time theSocialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia still existed, (OnJune 25 ,1991 Slovenia would declare independence and fight a brief,Ten-Day War sparking the disintegration of Yugoslavia). The agreement was abandoned when Milošević double-crossed Tuđman by supported the ethnic cleansing of Croats by Serb forces fromEastern Slavonia and theRepublic of Serbian Krajina cite web |date=18 March 1998 |url = http://www.un.org/icty/transe14/980318IT.htm|title = Cross-examination of witness, STJEPAN MESIC|format = HTML |publisher =ICTY | accessdate = 2007-09-30 | last= |quote=] .Dušan Bilandžić, a counselor of Franjo Tuđman who participated at the meating published the book claiming that "the essence of meeting was division of Bosnia and Herzegovina". [ [http://amac.hrvati-amac.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=196&Itemid=83 Jeli (JAZU-)Akademik Dušan Bilandžić postao hrvatski Savo Štrbac? ] ] [ [http://www.algoritam.hr/novosti.asp?id=1068&p=vijest Algoritam Multimedia Bookshop [novosti ] ] [ [http://www.zamirzine.net/spip.php?article4100 Zamirzine - Dušan Bilandžić: Kameleon Za Sva Vremena ] ]
Similar to his court testimony
Hrvoje Šarinić , counselor of Franjo Tuđman for foreign affairs, who was present during the negotiations has denied several times the existence of any agreement about the division of theBosnia and Herzegovina with Milošević.flagicon|Croatia "Croatian language " - cite web |date=2004-01-27|url = http://www.nacional.hr/articles/view/10862/|title = Trgovinu između Tuđmana i Miloševića spriječila je plitka Neretva|format = HTML |publisher = nacional| accessdate = 2008-02-14 | last=Robert Bajruši, |quote=] flagicon|Croatia "Croatian language " - cite web |date=2007 |url = http://europamagazine.info/sarinic.htm|title = Podjela BiH bila je nezaobilazna tema|format = HTML |publisher = europamagazine| accessdate = 2008-02-14 | last= |quote=] flagicon|Croatia "Croatian language " - cite web |date=2007 |url = http://www.24sata.info/4439|title = Hrvoje Šarinić: "Podjela Bosne i Hercegovine bila je nezaobilazna tema"|format = HTML |publisher = 24sata| accessdate = 2008-02-14 | last=24sata |quote=] flagicon|Croatia "Croatian language " - cite web |date=October, 2007 |url = http://www.domovinskirat.com/content/view/2181/1009/lang,hr/|title = Šarinić za Dnevni avaz: Tuđman i Milošević, ali i Izetbegović, razgovarali o podjeli BiH|format = HTML |publisher = domovinskirat| accessdate = 2008-02-14 | last= |quote=]When
Stjepan Mesić became a president of Croatia after the death of Tuđman, he testified in ICTY about Franjo Tuđman's plan to divide Bosnia and Herzegovina between Serbs and Croats. He also revealed Franjo Tuđman's transcripts about his plan which became an evidence in the case against Croat leaders from Bosnia for war crimes committed against Bosniaks. Many other high-ranking Croatian politicians also testified in ICTY confirming the story, such asAnte Marković . [HAG/DEN HAAG, 23.10.2003. - MARKOVIĆ OBJAŠNJAVA KAKO JE POČEO - RAT [http://www.sense-agency.com/ba/stream.php?sta=3&pid=4153&kat=6] ]Even some American and British politicians confirmed the story such as Herbert Okun, US veteran diplomat and lord
Paddy Ashdown . Herbert Okun was the deputy of Cyrus Vance, UN special envoy to the Balkans. In this capacity, he attended a number of meetings where the division of Bosnia Herzegovina was discussed. As Okun described it, the aspirations of Croatia and Serbia for theannexation of parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina became evident after Tuđman and Milošević met in Karađorđevo in March 1991 and after the meeting ofMate Boban andRadovan Karadžić in May 1992 inGraz . Neither party kept secret their plans for the creation of separate states within Bosnia-Herzegovina and their annexation to Serbia and Croatia at their subsequent meetings with international diplomats. [THE HAGUE, 02.04.2007. - BH PARTITION PLANS IN FORM OF A STAIN - [http://www.sense-agency.com/en/stream.php?sta=3&pid=9468&kat=3] ]Graz agreement
Graz agreement was a pact signed betweenSerb andCroat leaders inBosnia and Herzegovina Radovan Karadžić andMate Boban onApril 27 ,1992 in the town ofGraz, Austria during period when Serbian forces controled 70 % of Bosnia. The treaty was meant to limit conflict between Serb and Croat forces and put them closer to annexation of territory under Croat and Serbs control to Croatia and Serbia [ [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0CE7DF1F3BF931A25756C0A964958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=1 Pessimism Is Overshadowing Hope In Effort to End Yugoslav Fighting] ] . The Graz was basically Karađorđevo agreement Part II. In between the newly expanded Croatia and Serbia would be a small Bosniak buffer stat, the Serbs pejoratively called it "Alija's Pashalik", after Bosnian presidentAlija Izetbegović . [The Washington Post - Warring Factions Agree on Plan to Divide up Former Yugoslavia [http://www-tech.mit.edu/V112/N26/yugoslavia.26w.html] ]References
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