List of Yuuzhan Vong

List of Yuuzhan Vong

This is a listing of Yuuzhan Vong characters in the "New Jedi Order" series of Expanded Universe novels from the fictional Star Wars universe.

Anor, Nom

Nom Anor is of the Yuuzhan Vong. He is a member of the intendant caste of the Yuuzhan Vong, and his duties were mostly espionage. He was essential in "softening up" the Star Wars galaxy for the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, mainly by spreading dissent and confusion among the New Republic's member planets. He was the cause of Mara Jade Skywalker's disease. He also met Han, Leia, and others on Rhommamool, where he caused the natives to attack their outlying cousins on the planet of Osarian.

Nom Anor died in the final book of The New Jedi Order series, "The Unifying Force", along with Onimi, Supreme Overlord Shimrra's minion, though fans believe his "off-screen" death was left ambiguous enough to allow a comeback in post-NJO novel.

Buhl, Kasdakh

Kasdakh Buhl was an aid to the great Czulkang Lah during the recapture of Borleias. He was put in charge of the capture of Jaina Solo, whom was masquerading as the Yuuzhan Vong goddess Yun-Harla. When the Lusankya crashed into the worldship that Czulkang Lah was on, Buh and most of the crew of the ship evacuated.

Carr, Malik

Malik Carr was a Yuuzhan Vong demoted from the rank of Supreme Commander to Commander after the Battle of Fondor. He was in charge of a prison camp on Selvaris and could speak Basic fluently. He was promoted back to Supreme Commander after taking over the Battle of Selvaris from the inept Commander Bhu Fath. He was transferred to Caluula where he and his warriors and yammosk died when Alpha Red was released.

Carr, Yomin

Yomin Carr was an advance scout for the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Carr disguised himself as a human and infiltrated the ExGal Society on the planet Belkadan, a group of scientists searching for life outside of the known galaxy. Carr brought a Vong-engineered beetle that would quickly change the environment of Belkadan. Then after destroying the ExGal's communications equipment, Carr began to slowly kill off the ExGal scientists one at a time. However, Danni Quee was able to leave using the ExGal's ship. Yomin Carr then waited on Belkadan for the invasion to continue. However, he did not anticipate Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker traveling there to discover what had happened to the planet. Carr attacked Mara, using all the biological weapons he had to fight her. However, he was unable to defeat Mara in a melee fight, his amphistaff against her lightsaber, and was stabbed through the heart with the blade.

Cha, Kadlah

Kadlah Cha was a Yuuzhan Vong military analyst who served under Wyrpuuk Cha. Her face was severely tattooed, even by Yuuzhan Vong standards. She served at the first attempt made by the Vong to recapture Borleias. It can be assumed that she was killed there when the Super Star Destroyer Lusankya fired on the command ship of the fleet, venting the Commander and much of its crew into space.

Cha, Wyrpuuk

Wyrpuuk Cha was the commander of the fleet sent to retake the planet Borleias after the Battle of Coruscant. The ambush set up by the Vong was destroyed however, when the Super Star Destroyer Lusankya exited hyperspace in the middle of the Vong Fleet. There, the capital ship fired on the ship that Cha was on and the commander was pulled into the space outside the ship where he died.


Chine-Kal was the commander of the Creche. The ship had a yammosk aboard and captured slaves on the planet Gyndine so they could help nurture the young yammosk. After the yammosk told Chine-Kal that one of the slaves was a Jedi, Wurth Skidder, he thought that he could gain favor with the leaders of the Yuuzhan Vong by delivering him to Warmaster Tsavong Lah. However, Kyp Durron discovered the location of Skidder and attacked the ship along with his starfighter squadron. Chine-Kal fled and went to Fondor to group up with the main fleet. However, Durron was able to get aboard at Fondor. Durron was to late to save Skidder but they killed the yammosk aboard and freed the slaves. Chine-Kal died when Thrackan Sal-Solo fired the Centerpoint Station and it destroyed the Creche, along with much of the Yuuzhan Vong and Hapan Fleets.

Choka, Nas

Nas Choka was a member of the Warrior class of the Yuuzhan Vong. He was shorter than most warriors, and became heavily involved in the subjugation of Hutt Space, ranking for a time as the highest ranking Yuuzhan Vong in the Galaxy. After the death of Warmaster Tsavong Lah at Ebaq 9, Choka became the Warmaster. Unlike Tsavong Lah, Choka ordered that all Vong forces should retreat from battles they could not win, and had no vendetta against the Jedi. Also, he attacked many places to dismantle the HoloNet, so that the New Republic could not transmit messages. When Shimrra was killed, Choka ordered the Yuuzhan Vong to surrender, thus ending the war.


Da'gara was the leader of the Praetorite Vong. He died when Helska 4 shattered.

Dal, Ghithra

Ghithra Dal was the shaper put in charge of Warmaster Tsavong Lah's radank claw and making sure that it healed. After Viqi Shesh implemented Dal and the shapers in an attempt to gain power by removing Lah from power, Lah had the shaper and his allies killed by a group of rancor beasts on the shaper ship Fu'ulanh.


Drathul was a high prefect that was enemies of Nom Anor. Nom Anor killed him at the Recapture of Coruscant by strangling him in the Well of the World Brain.


Elan was a priestess of the Yuuzhan Vong goddess Yun-Harla and a member of the Deception Sect, trained from birth in the ability to lie and deceive. Her father was one of Supreme Overlord Shimrra's personal advisors. She came to the known galaxy with Harrar shortly after the battle of Ithor. She agreed to be captured by the New Republic and ask to meet with the Jedi. As a sign of good faith she would offer Luke Skywalker the antidote to Mara Jade Skywalker's sickness. While there she would release a toxin called bo'tous and kill them all. During a staged battle, Elan and her familiar Vergere jettisoned from a worldship and were captured and taken to Wayland. There she was questioned but the questioning ran short when a fake assassin attempted to kill her. She was then taken to Coruscant by Major Showolter, but on the way the Peace Brigade attacked and attempted to recover Elan to get faith with their Yuuzhan Vong masters. Han Solo then took Elan and Vergere and escaped. Elan tried to kill Solo, but was locked in the hold of the Millennium Falcon and died from the bioweapon. Vergere then gave Solo the antidote to Mara Jade Skywalker's sickness and escaped.

Fath, Bhu

Bhu Fath was an inept Yuuzhan Vong commander.


Harrar was a Yuuzhan Vong priest placed in charge of the Vong fleet after the loss at the Battle of Ithor. He viewed the Jedi as a threat and approved of the Elan Assassination mission to destroy the New Jedi Order. After the mission failed, Harrar was moved out to the Outer Rim. He was brought back later by Warmaster Tsavong Lah to serve as an advisor. He was then sent to aid Czulkang Lah in the capture of Borleias. After the debacle at Borleias, Harrar fled back to Coruscant and advised Supreme Overlord Shimmra in religious things. During that time, Harrar grew to doubt Shimmra's connection to the gods. Harrar contacted Nen Yim and along with the Prophet Yu'shaa they traveled to the planet Zonama Sekot. On Zonama Sekot, Harrar grew to believe that the Yuuzhan Vong were related to the galaxy. After learning that Nom Anor had killed Nen Yim, Harrar swore to kill him but during a fight with him Harrar fell off a cliff. He survived the fall and met with the Jedi and helped Jacen Solo gain access to the World Brain on Coruscant. After the surrender of the Yuuzhan Vong Harrar traveled to Zonama Sekot with the rest of the Vong and then the planet jumped into hyperspace so the Vong could evolve in peace.

Hool, Ch'Gang

Ch'Gang Hool was the master shaper put in charge of growing the World Brain for Coruscant. Aboard his ship he grew several dhuryams, one of which would become the World Brain. However, the process was ruined by the young Jedi Jacen Solo. Solo was brought aboard by Nom Arnor and Vergere, in an attempt to bring him over to the Vong side. While on Hool's ship, Jace was able to form a bond with one of the dhuryams. Jacen made a deal with the creature and attacked and killed the others, leaving only one of the dhuryams alive which became the World Brain. Afterwards, when Jacen was on the surface of Coruscant, he went to the World Brain in order to speak with it. As Ganner Rhysode guarded the doorway, Jacen and Vergere went in. Jacen spoke with the World Brain and it agreed to help Jacen by tampering with all of the Yuuzhan Vong attempts to change Coruscant. Vergere then led Jacen to a small ship, hid by Nom Anor, and the two escaped from the Vong controlled capital. Afterwards, as the World Brain caused problems for the Vong, Supreme Overlord Shimmra had Hool put to death for his failure at adapting the planet to the Vong's wishes.


Jakan was a high priest in the court of Supreme Overlord Shimrra, and he was also the father of the priestess Elan, who died in a botched assassination attempt upon the Jedi. Because of this, he became the most determined enemy of the Jedi Heresy among Shimrra's court. When the Galactic Alliance recaptured Coruscant, he and several other religious figures went down to the Well of the World Brain to anoint the Jedi that were captured there, including Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo. But then, Nom Arnor and Mara Jade Skywalker led a band of Shamed Ones into the chamber. Harrar, using the distraction, freed himself and knocked Jakan unconscious with a hit to the head. After the Yuuzhan Vong surrendered to the Galactic Alliance, Jakan and the rest of the Yuuzhan Vong were relocated to Zonama Sekot where they could live in peace.

Jamaane, Shimrra

Shimrra Jamaane is the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong. Little does he know that his warlord plots to overthrow him as soon as he has the chance. He was killed in the "New Jedi Order" novel, "The Unifying Force" when the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances retook Coruscant.

Shimrra was a successful Supreme Overlord because he was born with a twin. In the Yuuzhan Vong's eyes, twins are destined for great things since twins are born very rarely. He fought his twin, as is the custom of the Yuuzhan Vong, and killed him. He came to the "throne" when his rival Supreme Overlord Quoreal felt threatened by the planet of Zenoma Sekot. Quoreal refused and said to continue on. Shimrra gained the support of others by saying that the New Republic is the galaxy that Yun-Yuuzhan gave to them.

Physically, Shimrra is imposing. Tall, even by the standards of the Yuuzhan Vong, he is also heavily built. His eyes were a glowing red due to biological implants. He is feared in combat for his prowess, and he fought a duel with Jedi Master Luke Skywalker when the Galactic Alliance returned to Yuuzhan'tar, or Coruscant. After Luke, and Jacen and Jaina Solo fought off his elite group of bodyguards, Luke faced Shimrra, while Jaina and Jacen followed his escaping servant Onimi. After a terrible battle, Luke used his lightsaber and that of his deceased nephew Anakin Solo to decapitate Shimrra.

Little did the Jedi know that there was more to Onimi than met the eye. Being the last Yuuzhan Vong to possess a connection to the Force, he used mind controlling toxins to bend Shimrra to his will, and thus while posing as his jester, the cackling and deformed Onimi in truth bore supreme control over the entirety of the Yuuzhan Vong.

Kraal, Charat

Charat Kraal was a Yuuzhan Vong pilot stationed in the Pyria System after the fall of Borleias. He was in a Coralskipper when the Republic strike force under Wedge Antilles attacked, disabling his ship and sending it spiralling off. He stayed in the system to attack the Republic base on Borleias after the New Republic occupation.

When Commander Wyrpuuk Cha was killed and his fleet dispersed, Charat Kraal refused to obey his successor but stayed on to try and spy on the Republic forces. He reported to the new Yuuzhan Vong commander Czulkang Lah and was put in charge of an operation to capture Jaina Solo for the Yuuzhan Vong. However, when the final Battle of Borleias occurred, he was tricked by Jaina's missiles, which broadcast the same signal as her own ship, and killed in the Yuuzhan Vong minefield.

Ku, Denua

Denua Ku was one of the personal guards of Warmaster Tsavong Lah. He was put in charge of watch over the Senator-turned-traitor Viqi Shesh. Ku was sent to the surface of Coruscant, along with Shesh, to find a Force-sensitive on the planet. After Shesh escaped, and Ku himself was mortally injured, he hunted the woman down to an apartment where she had discovered a ship. Instead of being recaptured, Shesh flung herself out the window and to her death. Ku died in the apartment from his injuries.


Kunra was a disgraced warrior who was Shamed for the 'sin' of cowardice. Like all Shamed Ones, he lost his right to the name of his Domain (i.e., Lah, Rapuung, - a family name) Unlike the other Shamed Ones, he was not disfigured and bore no real festering wounds, instead having a total lack of distinguishing tattoos. He was befriended by Nom Anor during the former Executor's flight from Lord Shimraa's forces, and along with another Shamed One they organized and unified the "Jedi Heresy".

Kwaad, Kae

Kae Kwaad was a shaper among the Yuuzhan Vong. Kwaad's shaper's hand implants had both died, leaving him with no hands. In reality, Kae Kwaad was actually Onimi. Sent by Supreme Overlord Shimrra, Onimi observed Nen Yim's heresy to see if she could be used by Shimrra.

Kwaad, Mezhan

Mezhan Kwaad was the Yuuzhan Vong shaper put in charge of discovering the source of the Force within the Jedi. After Tahiri Veila was captured on Yavin IV, Kwaad decided to use her to map out the nervous system of humans, and discovered that unlike other humans, human Jedi had different pathways leading in and out of the brain, which she suggested to her adept Nen Yim may be how they control the Force. After accomplishing that, Kwaad attempted to convert Tahiri into the Yuuzhan Vong society under the guise of her new personality Riina of Domain Kwaad and almost succeeded in doing so. By causing pain whenever Tahiri attempted to remember her Jedi past and no pain when she remembered the memories put there by the Yuuzhan Vong, she slowly transformed the young Jedi. However, this all came apart when she was accused of heresy (thanks to her work that contradicted religious doctrine). During her attempt to escape the moon, her former lover Vua Rapuung, and Anakin Solo attacked her. Kwaad admitted using her shaping abilities to make Rapuung become a Shamed One and then admitted her heresy by proclaimed that there were no gods at all. When commander Vootuh and his guards attempted to capture her, she killed them by spearing their heads on her eight elongating fingers. She then used these shaped fingers to hold down Anakin and Rapuung, though she couldn't understand why Anakin's lightsaber continued to float towards her despite the pain she was inflicted upon him. Too late, she realised that it was in fact Tahiri Veila controlling the blade, and was decapitated by her heretical 'experiment'.

Lah, Czulkang

Czulkang Lah was the Warmaster of the Yuuzhan Vong prior to the invasion of the known galaxy, being succeeded by his son Tsavong Lah. Czulkang was an aging Yuuzhan Vong, and was barely able to move without the help of special vonduun-crab armor. In "The New Jedi Order - Rebel Dream" it is stated that he was so old in fact that, "One did not often see a Yuzzhan Vong warrior this old". Czulkang Lah was forced into retirement by Tsavong Lah, who begged him not to die. Czulkang set up an academy on the Domain Lah worldship in the Myrkr obit, where he trained and taught young warriors the tactics that made him so legendary amongst his species. Such is the Vong's respect for him in fact, that his students refer to him as 'warmaster', even though he has not been warmaster for many decades. He administered pits to show that he had trained someone, however the more pits a student receive the worse he was doing, and would be treated accordingly.

After the taking of Coruscant, Tsavong Lah asked his father to come out of retirement to destroy the New Republic on Borleias. During his first assault on the base at Borleias, he attempted to send in ground forces, however this attack was slaughtered by Wedge Antilles's use of orbital bombardment from the Super Star Destroyer "Lusankya".

At Borleias, Czulkang was duped by General Wedge Antilles into thinking that the New Republic had some sort of superweapon made from Yuuzhan Vong lambent crystals. This caused the former Warmaster to devote military resources to destroy it. Then as the New Republic forces fled Borleias, Czulkang Lah failed once more to understand Antilles. As the "Lusankya" drove its way through the Yuuzhan Vong fleet, Czulkang focused on destroying it, not realizing - until it was too late - that the Super Star Destroyer's mission all along was to ram the worldship. Czulkang Lah attempted to have the worldship evacuated but chose to stay on board as it was destroyed.

Unlike every other living Yuuzhan Vong in the "New Jedi Order" series, Czulkang Lah did not want to come to the Star Wars galaxy and wage war at all. During his first appearance (his conversation with his son Tsavong Lah), he says:

'I opposed you years ago because I opposed coming to this galaxy, attacking these infidels...' - Czulkang Lah

The only other Yuuzhan Vong to express this opinion was the Supreme Overlord Quoreal, who was killed by Shimraa in a bid for power.

Lah, Maal

Maal Lah was the commander of the fleet sent to Coruscant. He was in charge for the major Vong victory at Coruscant. After the success there, Maal Lah was promoted and became a Supreme Commander. He then worked with Thrackan Sal-Solo to combine the Peace Brigade with the Vong army. The New Republic sent an assault force to capture Sal-Solo and Senator Pwoe. During an attack by Twin Suns Squadron on the planet Ylesia, Maal Lah lost most of his ground forces and his original leg when a duralloy beam came down on it.

Lah, Tsavong

Tsavong Lah was Warmaster of the Yuuzhan Vong during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. He inherited the post from his father, a rarity, as Warmasters tend to die in combat. He was a deadly enemy of Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order, even offering to halt the campaign if the New Republic surrendered the Jedi to him, and he specifically requested Jacen Solo alive, after Solo nearly killed him in the Battle of Duro. He spearheaded many of the Yuuzhan Vong's campaigns including the successful capture of Coruscant.

Like all Yuuzhan Vong, Tsavong Lah had organic implants in his body, including a radank claw. This claw seemed to be growing into his arm and he feared he had lost favor with the gods; in the end he discovered it was a plot by the shapers which he foiled. His obsession with Jedi proved his undoing; he led the Yuuzhan Vong fleet into a deadly trap in a dead-end, system called Ebaq 9 (see Battle of Ebaq 9). Seeing that all was lost, he attempted to trap and kill the Jedi on Ebaq 9, but unwittingly allowed Vergere to crash her fighter into the base, removing the oxygen and killing his warriors. Though he himself survived due to a breath-mask, he confronted Jaina Solo, who slew him by using the Force to drive her lightsaber into the back of his throat. [ [ Tsavong Lah] Star Wars Databank entry]

Lah, Qurang

Qurang Lah was Tsavong Lah's creche brother, and was described as a *lesser elevated* version of Tsavong Lah. He held the rank of Warleader. He made his only appearance in the NJO book: Rebirth in the Edge of Victory series.

Lian, Deign

Deign Lian was the second-in-command to Shedao Shai during the early stages of the invasion. Lian constantly questioned Shai and reported every mistake the leader made to Warmaster Tsavong Lah. After Shai was bested in a duel with Corran Horn, Lian took control of the battle of Ithor. Lian released a devastating biological weapon on Ithor that killed all the living beings on the planet. However, after the New Republic used gravity well generators to prevent the Yuuzhan Vong fleet from leaving the fleet was defeated. Lian died when his ship, the Legacy of Torment, was destroyed.


While Onimi seemed weak, with his torso twisted, with short limbs and small hands, his worst feature was his wretched face.Onimi was considered a "shamed one" in Yuuzhan Vong society, and was seen by the Royal Court as an annoyance as he continued to talk in rhymes.

Many years before the invasion he was disfigured during a failed shaping between himself and a yammosk. This shaping, while marking him as a "shamed one" also gave him some of the yammosks mental abilities of control. So despite his dimunitive and pitiful appearance, he possessed a connection to the Force that had been lost to other Yuuzhan Vong for many thousands of years, and gave him the power to manipulate the minds of others.

His most deadly weapon was his ability to produce toxins lethal to all who were infected by them. Under the guise of court jester to Supreme Overlord Shimrra, he secretly controlled the Overlord and, consequently, the entire Yuuzhan Vong. His identity as the mastermind of the invading race was revealed towards the end of the book "The Unifying Force", when Luke Skywalker and Jacen Solo penetrated the Supreme Overlord's chambers in an effort to quickly end the war.

He was killed by Jacen Solo in an epic battle aboard the Supreme Overlord's personal 'Escape Pod'. There, Jacen Solo used his unique connection with the force to neutralize any poison that Onimi used on him and turned the creature's toxins on himself. This act cemented Jacen Solo's place as one of the strongest of the New Jedi Order.

Phaath, Yal

Yal Phaath was a master shaper picked by Warmaster Tsavong Lah to find the Jedis strength. After that, he was sent to the planet to aid in the work on the voxyn and ysalamiri of the planet. After the successful raid by the Jedi on the worldship Baanu Rass, Phaath was transferred to Yuuzhan'tar to help fix the problem with the World Brain there, which was acting strangely due to its friendship with Jacen Solo


Quoreal was the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong before Shimmra. He was killed by Shimmra, however, when he chose not to enter the Star Wars Galaxy, and Shimmra erased all memory of him, though a small sect remained dedicated.


Raff served as the battle tactician during the attack of Obroa-skai. However, the attack was a ruse in which the priestess Elan and her familiar Vergere would "escape" and seek refuge among the New Republic. Raff did not support the plan since it would involve the loss of both ships and the crews to operate the ships in order for it to appear that Elans escape was real.

Raff is only described as being "rail-thin" and as having "a black maw with a single tooth", the latter ostensibly a tribute to the Yuuzhan Vong war-god Yun-Yammaka

Rapuung, Vua

Vua Rapuung was once a great warrior of the Yuuzhan Vong. He fell in love with the Shaper Mezhan Kwaad, but was forced to break it off with her so avoid it being discovered. However, Kwaad was not pleased with this and infected Rapuung with a disease that gave him the appearance of a Shamed One. Rapuung knew that he was not hated by the gods but nobody believed him. Then in the forests of Yavin IV, Vua met the Jedi Anakin Solo. Rapuung agreed to help Anakin save his friend Tahiri Veila if Anakin helped Vua redeem himself in the Yuuzhan Vong community. The two sneaked into the shaper's compound. There, Anakin pretended to be a slave and Rapuung hid among the Shamed Ones. Eventually, the two attacked the Shamer's main. Vua eventually challenged an entire group of warriors and won. After saving Tahiri Veila, Anakin Solo and Vua Rapuung confronted Mezhan Kwaad and asked her if she had caused Rapuung's shaming. Kwaad proclaimed that she had and that there were no gods, she was then slain by Tahiri Veila. Vua was killed on Yavin IV defending the two young Jedi so they could escape. From the exploits of Vua Rapuung sprung the Jedi Heresy.

hai, Mongei

Mongei Shai was the ancestor of Shedao Shai. Mongei was one of the first Yuuzhan Vong to visit the galaxy. He was killed and his body was mummified and buried on the planet Bimmiel. The body was eventually found by Doctor Anki Pace. Later, after the Yuuzhan Vong began the invasion of the galaxy, Shedao Shai returned to Bimmiel to recover his ancestor's body and found it gone and two of his relatives slain by the Jedi Corran Horn. This led to Shedao Shai's death on Ithor after Corran Horn Challenged him to personal Combat.

hai, Shedao

Shedao Shai was a supreme commander and the advance leader for the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the Star Wars galaxy at the beginning of "The New Jedi Order" series. Shai led the Vong on their conquest of Belkadan, Helska, Dubrillion, and other planets. His base was set up on the planet of Dubrillion and it was here that he was visited by the pacifist Caamasi Senator Elegos A'Kla. After Corran Horn slew two of Shai's relatives, Neira and Dranae Shai, Shai vowed to kill Horn, and sent the painted bones of A'Kla back to the New Republic after strangling the senator "with his acceptance", according to Shai. After this Horn challenged Shai to a one on one battle to decide the fate of the planet Ithor during the Vong invasion. The two duelled, and for a while it seemed like Shai would win as he thrust his amphistaff into Horn's stomach and out of his back. When the injured Horn then performed a fake fall however, the overconfident Shai was impaled on Horn's lightsaber and then almost cut in two, vomiting black blood. Despite Horn's victory however, Shai's second-in-command Deign Lian still destroyed the plant and animal life of Ithor. The planet itself was reduced to molten slag when the "Legacy of Torment", formerly Shedao Shai's ship and now Deign Lian's, was destroyed and crashed into Ithor, setting the atmosphere ablaze.

It is interesting to note that several books after his death, Shai's domain is referred to once again. We learn from Nom Anor that Domain Shai is legendary for inflicting great pain upon themselves (which we see Shai do several times in The Embrace of Pain. Nom Anor then suggests that the warriors of Domain Shai may in fact inflict such horrific pain upon themselves because in some warped way, they actually attain "pleasure" from it.

kell, Yoog

Yoog Skell was Drathul's predecessor. Unlike Drathul he was on good terms with Nom Anor. However when the Battle of Ebaq 9 turned out to be a trap Nom Anor was blamed as he had provided the information. Panicking, Nom Anor threw blorash jelly at Yoog Skell. Once the High Prefect was imprisoned Nom Anor killed him, with a blow to the head by an amphistaff. It is interesting to note that unlike most of his killings, Nom Anor regretted this one.

Uul, Takhaff

Takhaff Uul was a priest of the Yuuzhan Vong god Yun-Yuuzhan. After the Battle of Coruscant he approached Tsavong Lah and told him of a dream that he had. In the dream, Yun-Yuuzhan had told him that he was unhappy for not receiving any of the glory from the conquest of the galaxy and that was why Lah's radank claw arm was failing. Lah later, after discovering a plot by the Shapers to gain more control, released a group of rancor beasts on the shaper ship Fu'ulanh. During this, Uul and many other shapers were killed.

Vootuh, Tsaak

Tsaak Vootuh was the Yuuzhan Vong commander that lead a fleet to the jungle moon of Yavin 4 to capture the Jedi students that were studying at the Great Temple. However, the Peace Brigade had managed to arrive first and had failed to capture the students before Anakin Solo led them to safety. Then, through his spy Tsun Qel, Vootuh was able to discover the heresy of Mezhan Kwaad, who was practicing shaping that was opposed to Yuuzhan Vong religious doctrine. Vootuh and his guards confronted Kwaad and her adept Nen Yim when they were attempting to escape with Tahiri Veila (who they had been shaping into a Vong). When Vootuh tried to arrest her, Kwaad's eight shaper fingers elongated, spearing him and his guards through the eyes and killing them all.

Vorrik, B'shith

B'shith Vorrik was the Yuuzhan Vong commander in charge of removing the threat the Imperial Remnant posed. After his initial victory at the Imperial Capital, Bastion, Vorrik led his fleet to the planet Borosk to finish the Remnant off entirely. However, he did not know that Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade Skywalker, Jacen Solo, Danni Quee, and other Jedi had traveled to the Remnant on their way into the Unknown Regions. With the knowledge they provided, the Imperials were able to turn the tide of the battle and the Vong fleet was forced to flee from Imperial Space. Vorrik then attacked the communications centers on Generis and then Esfandia. However, at Esfandia, Grand Admiral Pellaeon was there to fight him. The two fought but neither won. After Tahiri Veila convinced Vorrik into sending a force to destroy the communications center, Pellaeon launched another attack, this time destroying the Vong fleet. Seeing that he would die, Vorrik attempted to self-destruct his ship to take the Remnant fleet with him - but the Remnant increased shield power to prevent it.

Yim, Nen

Nen Yim was a Yuuzhan Vong shaper. She was trained by the shaper Mezhan Kwaad, picked because of Yim's heretical beliefs about the Yuuzhan Vong religion. Nen Yim and Mezhan Kwaad worked together on the planet Yavin IV trying to convert the young jedi Tahiri Veila. Unluckily for Yim, Anakin Solo rescued Tahiri and in the process killed Kwaad. Yim was then taken before Warmaster Tsavong Lah and ordered to work in preserving the dying worldships on which the Yuuzhan Vong traveled.

Her heretical work caught the attention of Supreme Overlord Shimrra who sent his jester Onimi to "aid" Yim by accessing the Eighth Cortex of Shaper Knowledge, only to discover that it was empty. Nen Yim was then tasked with filling the Eighth Cortex (the Eighth cortex is the highest Level of the Shaper's knowledge before the Vong's Exile to Void the knowledge was given by the Parent of Zonama Sekot however after the Exile they were forced to not make any uses or needs of this as they no longer existed what small knowledge had been gathered was used by Shimmra early on in the conquest of the Star Wars Galaxy).

After this She worked to aid Warmaster Tsavong Lah after his radank claw arm began to be rejected. After uncovering a plot by the shapers and priests to make the Warmaster into a Shamed One, Yim was able to fix his arm. She later travelled to the living world of Zonama Sekot along with Tahiri, Corran Horn, high priest Harrar, and a disguised Nom Anor. On the surface, she managed to learn the secret of Zonama Sekot, and how it related to the Yuuzhan Vong, but was killed by Anor before she could tell anyone. Before she died, she had made amends with Tahiri Veila, and learned that the childhood memories implanted into the young Jedi, were, in fact, her own.


Yo'gand was a legendary Warmaster and the first Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong.

Yo'gand defeated the rival Warmaster Steng in the Battle of Ygziir, which was the final battle of the Cremlevian War. After winning, he became the Supreme Overlord, and started the Yuuzhan Vong's trek to galaxy.

Yo'gand invented the Yo'gand's Core tactic, using it to destroy the planet Ygziir.

Zqar, Romm

Romm Zqar was a supreme commander at the Fall of Coruscant. He attempted to force Chief-of-State Borsk Fey'lya to surrender. When Fey'lya refused, Romm Zqar asked for conditions. Fey'lya said he wished to talk to Warmaster Tsavong Lah. When Tsavong Lah refused to negotiate, Fey'lya released a proton bomb killing himself, Romm Zqar, and obliterating the Palace.

Romm Zqar is described as having fringed lips and a face with a large number of scars and tattoos though he wasn't as ugly as Tsavong Lah.


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