Baily–Borel compactification

BailyBorel compactification

In mathematics, the BailyBorel compactification is a compactification of a quotient of a Hermitean symmetric space by an arithmetic group, introduced by harvs|txt=yes|first=W.L.|last= Baily|first2= A.|last2= Borel|year1=1964|year2=1966|author2-link=Armand Borel.


*If "C" is the quotient of the upper half plane by a congruence subgroup of SL2(Z), then the BailyBorel compactification of "C" is formed by adding a finite number of cusps to it.

ee also

*L2 cohomology


*citation|first=W.L.|last= Baily|first2= A.|last2= Borel|title=On the compactification of arithmetically defined quotients of bounded symmetric domains|journal= Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. |volume= 70 |year=1964|pages= 588593

*citation|first=W.L.|last= Baily|first2= A.|last2= Borel|title=Compactification of arithmetic quotients of bounded symmetric domains|journal= Ann. of Math. (2) |volume=84 |year=1966|pages= 442528

*springer|id=B/b130010|first=B. Brent|last= Gordon

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