- Lagrange number
mathematics , the Lagrange numbers are a sequence of numbers that appear in bounds relating to the approximation ofirrational numbers byrational numbers . They are linked to Hurwitz's theorem.Definition
Hurwitz improved
Dirichlet 's criterion on irrationality to the statement that a real number α is irrational if and only if there are infinitely many rational numbers "p"/"q", written in lowest terms, such that:left|alpha - frac{p}{q} ight| < frac{1}{sqrt{5}q^2}.This was an improvement on Dirichlet's result which had 1/"q"2 on the right hand side. The above result is best possible since the
golden ratio φ is irrational but if we replace √5 by any larger number in the above expression then we will only be able to find finitely many rational numbers that satisfy the inequality for α = φ.However, Hurwitz also showed that if we omit the number φ, and numbers derived from it, then we "can" increase the number √5, in fact he showed we may replace it with 2√2. Again this new bound is best possible in the new setting, but this time the number √2 is the problem. If we don't allow √2 then we can increase the number on the right hand side of the inequality from 2√2 to (√221)/5. Repeating this process we get an infinite sequence of numbers √5, 2√2, (√221)/5, ... which converge to 3, called the Lagrange numbers [J.H. Conway, R.K. Guy, "The Book of Numbers," New York: Springer-Verlag, pp.187-189, 1996.] , named after
Joseph Louis Lagrange .Relation to Markov numbers
The "n"th Lagrange number "Ln" is given by:L_n=sqrt{9-frac{4}m_n}^2where "mn" is the "n"th
Markov number , that is the "n"th smallest integer "m" such that the equation:m^2+x^2+y^2=3mxy,has a solution in positive integers "x" and "y".External links
* [http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LagrangeNumber.html Lagrange number] . From
MathWorld atWolfram Research .
* [http://www.math.jussieu.fr/~miw/articles/pdf/IntroductionDiophantineMethods.pdf Introduction to Diophantine methods irrationality and trancendence] - Online lecture notes by Michel Waldschmidt, Lagrange Numbers on pp.24-26.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.