Methodius Buslaev

Methodius Buslaev

Methodius Buslaev (Мефодий Буслаев) — character from Dmitri Yemets's "Methodius Buslaev" book series.

Methodius Buslaev is a boy with exclusive forces. The main question is which forces are theseLight or Dark, and what side he'd join: Light or Darkness?.. Right at the beginning of a series it is clearly stated that Methodius possesses a Dark gift. But in due course it may change...


« Usual twelve-year-oldanyway looks usual. Skinny, with narrow shoulders. Isn't very tall." « And his lookshis looks, perhaps, are not without a highlight. The edge of a forward tooth chopped off on a third, long fair-coloured hair, hid behind in a tail. » « (Eyes) slanting, not really symmetric and absolutely don't have a certain color. » (Methodius Buslaev. The Magician of Midnight)


  1. Мефодий Буслаев: Маг Полуночи (Methodius Buslaev: Magician of Midnight)
  2. Мефодий Буслаев: Свиток желаний (Methodius Buslaev: Scroll of Desire)
  3. Мефодий Буслаев: Третий всадник мрака (Methodius Buslaev: Third Darkness Rider)
  4. Мефодий Буслаев: Билет на Лысую Гору (Methodius Buslaev: Ticket to the Bald Mountain)
  5. Мефодий Буслаев: Месть валькирий (Methodius Buslaev: Valkyries' Revenge)
  6. Мефодий Буслаев: Тайная магия Депресcняка (Methodius Buslaev: Depressnyak's Hidden Magic)
  7. Мефодий Буслаев: Лед и пламя Тартара (Methodius Buslaev: Tartarus' Ice and Flame)
  8. Мефодий Буслаев: Первый Эйдос (Methodius Buslaev: The First Eidos)
  9. Мефодий Буслаев: Светлые Крылья для Тёмного Стража (Methodius Buslaev: Wings of Light for a Dark Guardian)
  10. Мефодий Буслаев: Карта Хаоса (Methodius Buslaev: The Map of Chaos)
  11. Мефодий Буслаев: Лестница в Эдем (Methodius Buslaev: Stairway to Eden)
  12. Мефодий Буслаев: Ожерелье дриады (Methodius Buslaev: the Dryad's Necklace)
  13. Мефодий Буслаев: Стеклянный страж (Methodius Buslaev: Glass Guardian)
  14. Мефодий Буслаев: Танец меча (Methodius Buslaev: Dance of the Sword) (due to be published in February 2011)
  15. Мефодий Буслаев: Огненные врата (Methodius Buslaev: Fire Gates)


Methodius Buslaev (shortly Meth (Mef)) - the person who has become the successor of Darkness because of a total eclipse of the Sun when he was born. Was born on April, 13th 1991. Parents: Igor and Zoe (nicknamed Zozo) Buslaevs. Appearance: long, light-brown hair, narrow, slanted eyes which change colour depending on his mood. Has a scar on his cheek from fight with Yarros. One of his front teeth has broken-off tip.

Daphne - a Light Guardian. In the first book she was stated to have the appearance of a 13-year old girl, but she's really about 13 000 years old (Light Guards age 1000 times slower). However, spending too much time on the Earth made her age faster, thus she looks about the same age as Methodius. Has a pseudonym "Dasha Pimenova", used in her fake passport. She is assigned as a protector to Methodius, and is his girlfriend as well (they kissed). As all Light Guardians, she can conjure a pair of white wings to fly with, and has a magical flute as a weapon (using music to produce various offensive and defensive magic).

Irka - Methodius' friend, a handicapped girl. Became a Valkyrie in the third book.

Ares - the former instructor of Methodius, a Dark Guardian.

Ulita Maksimova - Ares' pupil, a witch. Stated to be 20 years in the first book. Has an outstanding personality, and is very fat. Is in love with Essiorth.

Essiorth - A Light Guardian, Daphne's protector. He was incarnated in the body of a deceased biker, named Pavel Nikitin. Due to that, has a liking to the bikes. He's also an artist, makes some sculptures. Is in love with Ulita.

Depressnyak - a cat of Daphne and Methodius. Was born as a cross between an Eden cat and a Tartarus cat. He is almost bald and with wings. Everyone who touches him loses any good moods they may have for about a week.

Ligul - the hypocritical dwarf, another Darkness Guardian. He has a humpback. Dreams to receive the eidos of Methodius (an eidos is in the context of the book, a soul). In his youth, he spent some years on the Bald Mountain, gathering Cyclops' earwax as somebody has convinced him that it will cause him to gain height.

Praskovya - a pupil of Ligul, is a couple of weeks younger than Methodius. She cannot speak, and has to use golems to speak through them.

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