- Hilbert C*-module
Hilbert C*-modules are
mathematical object s which generalise the notion of aHilbert space (which itself is a generalisation ofEuclidean space ), in that they endow a linear space with an "inner product " which takes values in aC*-algebra . Hilbert C*-modules were first introduced in the work ofIrving Kaplansky in 1953, which developed the theory forcommutative ,unital algebras (though Kaplansky observed that the assumption of a unit element was not "vital"). [] it follows that:Vert x Vert = Vert langle x, x angle Vert^frac{1}{2}
defines a norm on "E". When "E" is complete with respect to the metric induced by this norm, it is a Hilbert "A"-module or a Hilbert C*-module over the C*-algebra "A".
Any C*-algebra "A" is a Hilbert "A"-module under the inner product <"a","b"> = "a"*"b". Here, the norm on the module coincides with the original norm on "A".
Hilbert spaces
A complex Hilbert space "H" is a Hilbert C-module under its inner product, the complex numbers being a C*-algebra with an involution given by
complex conjugation .Vector bundles
If "X" is a
locally compact Hausdorff space and "E" avector bundle over "X" with aRiemannian metric "g", then the space of continuous sections of "E" is a Hilbert "C(X)"-module. The inner product is given by::langle f,h angle (x):=g(f(x),h(x)).The converse holds as well: Every countably generated Hilbert C*-module over a commutative C*-algebra "A=C(X)" is isomorphic to the space of sections vanishing at infinity of a continuous field of Hilbert spaces over "X".
*Let {"e"λ}λ ∈ I be an approximate unit for "A" (a net of self-adjoint elements of "A" for which "xe"λ or "e"λ"x" tend to "x" for each "x" in "A"), and let "E" be a Hilbert "A"-module. Then for "x" in "E"
::egin{align}Vert x - xe_lambda Vert ^2 & = langle x - xe_lambda, x - xe_lambda angle \& = langle x, x angle - e_lambda langle x, x angle - langle x, x angle e_lambda + e_lambda langle x, x angle e_lambda xrightarrow{lambda} 0, \end{align}
:whence it follows that "EA" is dense in "E", and "x"1 = "x" when "A" is unital.
::langle E, E angle = operatorname{span} { langle x, y angle | x, y in E },
:then the closure of <"E","E"> is a two-sided ideal in "A". Since this will also be a C*-algebra (and will therefore have an approximate unit), a calculation similar to the preceding one verifies that "E"<"E","E"> is dense in "E". In the case when <"E","E"> is dense in "E", "E" is said to be full. This does not generally hold.
See also
*Hilbert space
*Operator algebra Notes and references
External links
* [http://www.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/~mfrank/hilmod.html Hilbert C*-Modules Home Page] , a literature list
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