- Hilbert's twenty-first problem
- : "For Riemann-Hilbert factorization problems on the complex plane see
Riemann-Hilbert ."The twenty-first problem of the 23
Hilbert problems , from the celebrated list put forth in 1900 byDavid Hilbert , was phrased like this (English translation from 1902).:"Proof of the existence of linear differential equations having a prescribed monodromic group"
:"In the theory of
linear differential equation s with one independent variable z, I wish to indicate an important problem one which very likelyRiemann himself may have had in mind. This problem is as follows: To show that there always exists alinear differential equation of the Fuchsian class , with given singular points andmonodromic group . The problem requires the production of n functions of the variable z, regular throughout the complex z-plane except at the given singular points; at these points the functions may become infinite of only finite order, and when z describes circuits about these points the functions shall undergo the prescribed linear substitutions. The existence of such differential equations has been shown to be probable bycounting the constants , but the rigorous proof has been obtained up to this time only in the particular case where the fundamental equations of the given substitutions have roots all of absolute magnitude unity.L. Schlesinger has given this proof, based upon Poincaré's theory of theFuchsian zeta-function s. The theory of linear differential equations would evidently have a more finished appearance if the problem here sketched could be disposed of by some perfectly general method." [http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/hilbert/problems.html] .In fact it is more appropriate to speak not about differential equations but about linear systems of differential equations - in order to realise any monodromy by a differential equation one has to admit, in general, the presence of additional
apparent singularities, i.e. singularities with trivial local monodromy. In more modern language, the (systems of) differential equations in question are those defined in thecomplex plane , less a few points, and with aregular singularity at those. A more strict version of the problem requires these singularities to beFuchsian , i.e. poles of first order (logarithmic poles). Amonodromy group is prescribed, by means of a finite-dimensionalcomplex representation of thefundamental group of the complement in theRiemann sphere of those points, plus thepoint at infinity , up to equivalence. The fundamental group is actually afree group , on 'circuits' going once round each missing point, starting and ending at a givenbase point . The question is whether the mapping from these "Fuchsian" equations to classes of representations issurjective .This problem is more commonly called the Riemann-Hilbert problem. There is now a modern (
D-module andderived category ) version, the 'Riemann-Hilbert correspondence' in all dimensions. The history of proofs involving a single complex variable is complicated.Josip Plemelj published a solution in 1908. This work was for a long time accepted as a definitive solution; there was work ofG. D. Birkhoff in 1913 also, but the whole area, including work ofLudwig Schlesinger onisomonodromic deformations that would much later be revived in connection withsoliton theory , went out of fashion. Plemelj produced a 1964 monograph "Problems in the Sense of Riemann and Klein", (Pure and Applied Mathematics, no. 16, Interscience Publishers, New York) summing up his work. A few years later the Soviet mathematician Yuliy S. Il'yashenko and others started raising doubts about Plemelj's work. In fact, Plemelj correctly proves that any monodromy group can be realised by a regular linear system which is Fuchsian at all but one of the singular points. Plemelj's claim that the system can be made Fuchsian at the last point as well is wrong. (Il'yashenko has shown that if one of the monodromy operators is diagonalizable, then Plemelj's claim is true.) Indeed in 1989 Soviet mathematician Andrey A. Bolibrukh (1950-2003) found a counterexample to Plemelj's statement. This is commonly viewed as providing a counterexample to the precise question Hilbert had in mind;Bolibrukh showed that for a given pole configuration certain monodromy groups can be realised by regular, but not by Fuchsian systems. (In 1990 he published the thorough study of the case of regular systems of size 3 exhibiting all situations when such counterexamples exists. In 1978 Dekkers had shown that for systems of size 2 Plemelj's claim is true.) Parallel to this the Grothendieck school of algebraic geometry had become interested in questions of 'integrable connections on algebraic varieties', generalising the theory of linear differential equations onRiemann surface s.Pierre Deligne proved a precise Riemann-Hilbert correspondence in this general context (a major point being to say what 'Fuchsian' means). With work by Rohrl, the case in one complex dimension was again covered.External links
* [http://www.gang.umass.edu/~kilian/mathesis/mathesis.html On the Riemann-Hilbert-Problem] ( [http://web.archive.org/web/20050305104624/http://www.gang.umass.edu/~kilian/mathesis/mathesis.html archive.org copy] [http://euclid.ucc.ie/pages/staff/mk/mathesis.pdf] )
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