- Anuanuraro
Anuanuraro is an
atoll inFrench Polynesia ,Pacific Ocean . It is part of theDuke of Gloucester Islands , a subgroup of theTuamotu group. Anuanuraro's nearest neighbor isAnuanurunga , which is located about 29 km to the southeast.Anuanuraro is a small atoll. It measures 5.3 km in length, with a maximum width of 3,2 km. Its shape is roughly square and its lagoon is totally enclosed by the fringing reef.
Anuanuraro Atoll is uninhabited.
The first recorded European to sight Anuanuraro Atoll was British naval officer and explorer
Philip Carteret in 1767. He named this atoll "Archangel". [ [http://www.scarecrowpress.com/Chapters/Index.shtml?SKU=0810853957&Site=scarecrowpress&Title=Historical%2... Sample Chapter(s) for Historical%2 ] ]Formerly Ananuararo Atoll belonged to Robert Wan, the wealthy Tahitian pearl trader. It was bought back by the government of French Polynesia in March 2002.
This atoll has airfield which was built by Wan's company, Wan-Polynésie. It was opened in 1982 but it is closed now.
Administratively the four atolls of the Duke of Gloucester Islands, including the uninhabited ones of Anuanuraro, Anuanuruga and
Nukutepipi , belong to the commune ofHereheretue , which is associated to the Hao commune.References
* [http://www.oceandots.com/pacific/tuamotu/anuanuraro.htm]
* [http://www.iero.org/sites/fenua/tuamotus/anuanuraro/index.html History]External links
* [http://www.pacific-image.pf/pages/boutic/dboutic_cdrom_sp132.html Atoll list (in French)]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.