- Euphemia (empress)
Empress Euphemia (died 523/524), whose original name was Lupicina, was the consort of
Justin I of theByzantine Empire and founder of theJustinian Dynasty that lasted from 518 to 602. The Byzantine Empire, also described as the Greek-speaking Eastern Roman Empire, was centered on its capital ofConstantinople .Empress Euphemia is credited with the
ecclesiastical policies of Justin and she founded a Church ofSaint Euphemia , where she was buried following her death in either, 523 or 524. Justin was buried by her side in 527.According to the "
Secret History " ofProcopius , Lupicina was both a slave and abarbarian . He asserted that she had been the concubine of her owner. [http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Procopius/Anecdota/6*.html Procopius, "Secret History", Chapter 6.17] ] The information from the Secret History was published posthumously. The seven volumes of histories that were published in his lifetime were theantithesis of this published work, being most laudatory of the new dynasty. Critics of Procopius (whose secret history reveals a man seriously disillusioned with his rulers) have dismissed his posthumously published work as a severely biased source, being vitriolic and pornographic, but without other sources, critics have been unable to discredit some of the assertions in the publication. Although its motives are suspect and it can not be verified, its titillating nature has kept it as a popular reference.The marriage of Euphemia and Justin is estimated to have occurred during the reign of Anastasius I (reigned 491-518) when Justin had a prosperous career in the
Byzantine army .New royal names
Originally named Istok, the man who would become Justin I was a Thracian or Illyrian peasant from the Latinophone region of
Dardania , which is part of the province of Illyricum. He was born in a hamlet near Bederiana inNaissus (modern Niš, South Serbia). As a teenager, he fled from a barbaric invasion, took refuge in Constantinople, and rose in the ranks of the army of the Eastern Roman Empire.In "Justin, the First: An Introduction to the Epoch of Justinian the Great" (1950),
Alexander Vasiliev theorised that the original name of his wife may indicate a linguistic association in another language, withprostitution . Vasiliev connected the name to theLatin word "Lupae " (she-wolves). [http://www.roman-emperors.org/euphem.htm#N_1_ Geoffrey Greatrex, "Euphemia, Wife of Justin I"] ] While the word in its singular Latin form "Lupa" could literally mean a female wolf, it also was theepithet or disparagingslur for the lowest class of Roman prostitutes. [ [http://bailiwick.lib.uiowa.edu/wstudies/grahn/chapt09.htm Judy Grahn, "Blood, Bread, and Roses: How Menstruation Created the World" (1994), Chapter 9] ] The derivative Latin word "Lupanar" was the name of abrothel in Pompeii. [ [http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/bl_prostitutionnotes2.htm W. C. Firebaugh, "Terms for Ancient Roman Prostitutes and Brothels"] ] Many of these denigrating uses may have origins in derisive comments about thepriestess es of a cult of theEtruscan religion that predated the Roman, in which the deity was represented as a she-wolf (similar toArtemis inGreek Mythology ), which would imply a quite different derivation and make greater sense of the choice of "Euphemia", hence aeuphemism , as an alternative name for the empress. The wolf,Lupa , who nursedRomulus and Remus is related to the cult of this wolf-goddess and thematrilineal ,Etruscan civilization that preceded the Roman.Acca Larentia is another name for the wolf or the deity represented.Emulation of the cultural hero, the religious martyr Saint Euphemia, may have had a more contemporary association and reason for selection as the royal name for the empress, especially given the religious changes taking place in Constantinople at the time and the apparent interest of the empress in the veneration of the saint.
uccession of Justin I
By 518, Justin had risen to the position of "
Comes Excubitorum" (Commander of theExcubitors ). On the night hours of8 July ,518 –9 July ,518 , Anastasius died and his silentarii (equivalents toGentleman Usher s) summoned Justin and Celer to his deathbed. Celer was themagister officiorum and commander of the palace guard. By morning the event had been announced throughConstantinople . The high officials, including the recently appointedJohn of Cappadocia , Patriarch of Constantinople, were summoned to theGreat Palace of Constantinople for the election of the new emperor. Meanwhile the people were gathered in theHippodrome of Constantinople and awaited the proclamation of a new emperor. [http://www.roman-emperors.org/justin.htm James Allan Evans, "Justin I (518-527 A.D.)"] ]Anastasius died childless, but had several known relatives. His brother Flavius Paulus had served as Roman consul in 496. [ [http://www.roman-empire.net/articles/article-024.html "The Consular List"] ] A sister-in-law, known as Magna, was mother to Irene and mother-in-law to Olybrius. This Olybrius was son of
Anicia Juliana andAreobindus . ["Late Antiquity: A Guide to the Postclassical World" (by G.W. Bowersock, Oleg Grabar). Harvard University Press, 1999. Pages 300-301.] The daughter of Olybrius and Irene was named Proba. She married Probus and was mother to a younger Juliana. This younger Juliana married another Anastasius and was mother of Areobindus, Placidia, and a younger Proba.Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire , vol. 3] Another nephew of Anastasius was Flavius Probus, Roman consul in 502.Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire , vol. 2] Caesaria, sister of Anastasius, married Secundinus. They were parents toHypatius and Pompeius. Flavius Anastasius Paulus Probus Moschianus Probus Magnus, Roman Consul in 518 also was a great-nephew of Anastasius. His daughter Juliana, later married Marcellus, a brother ofJustin II . The extensive family may well have included viable candidates for the throne.Nonetheless, Justin was elected as the new emperor by the council. According to
John Malalas , the "praepositus sacri cubiculi", Amantius, had intended to elect a "Comes Domestici", commander of an elite guard unit of the lateRoman Empire , by the name of Theocritus to the throne. [ [http://www.well.com/~aquarius/guilland-eunuques.htm Rodolphe Guilland, "Eunuchs in the Byzantine Empire"] ] His election is described as the result of a combination of commanding the only effective troops within the capital and buying the support of the other officials. Supposedly Theocritus had given a substantial sum of money to Justin in order to buy his support, however, Justin used the sum to buy support for himself. Both Amantius and Theocritus were executed nine days after the election. On1 August ,518 , Justin sent a letter toPope Hormisdas where he claimed he was an unwilling participant in his own election.As Justin I, he was proclaimed emperor in the
hippodrome in accordance with tradition. Lupicina became his empress consort under the name Euphemia. The name was probably chosen for reasons of respectability. The originalEuphemia was a Christian martyr during theDiocletianic Persecution . She was a local saint ofChalcedon and theCouncil of Chalcedon (451) had taken place in a cathedralconsecrated in her name. An alleged miracle in her grave had supposedly confirmed the decisions taken. [ [http://ocafs.oca.org/FeastSaintsViewer.asp?SID=4&ID=1&FSID=102002 "The Miracle of Saint Euphemia the All-Praised"] ] The selection of this name is suspected to be an early indication of both Justin and Lupicina being ferventChalcedonian Christians. Anastasius had supportedMonophysitism and his succession marked a changed in religious policies.Empress Euphemia
Although Procopius states in his secret history that Euphemia was unacquainted with affairs of state and thus unable to take part in government, [http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Procopius/Anecdota/9*.html Procopius, "Secret History", Chapter 9.47] ] an official church source which dates to 540, the Chronicle of Edessa, attributes the ecclesiastical policies of Justin to Empress Euphemia.
Procopius also claims that both members of the imperial couple attained the throne in the closing years of their lives. Being childless, their heir was
Justinian I . He was the nephew and adoptive son of Justin. In "The marriage of Justinian and Theodora. Legal and theological reflections", Catholic University of America Law Review 16 (1967), which relates to the marriage of the successor to Justin I,David Daube noted that there were legal obstacles to a freedwoman marrying a state official of the ranks he held prior to his elevation to the throne. Daube theorised that Theodora was retroactively grantedfreeborn status in order to legitimize the marriage.Procopius implies that Euphemia opposed the marriage of her nephew to Theodora as she was opposed to the supposedvice of her prospective niece. Procopius clarifies that only following her death was Justinian able to arrange his betrothal and marriage to Theodora. The widowed Justin I proceeded to pass a law allowing intermarriage between social classes [M. Meier, "Justinian", p. 57.] , presumably for the interest of his heir. Vasiliev estimated the death of Euphemia to have occurred in 523 or 524. The marriage of Justinian and Theodora has been estimated to 525. She became an equal ruler with her husband and was greatly admired by many.References
External links
* [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/BYZANTIUM.htm#_Toc176857614 Listing of Anastasius I and his family in "Medieval Lands" by Charles Cawley]
* [http://books.google.gr/books?id=QCIaBQTCg0IC&pg=PA693&lpg=PA693&dq=Euphemia+Lupicina+Prosopography&source=web&ots=5PKapl7Cq4&sig=Ik1jMqbKsHj2dhGPYUTWKNU9ieY&hl=el#PPA423,M1 - Her listing in Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.