List of Trinitarian Universalists

List of Trinitarian Universalists

According to Trinitarian Universalists, the Bible itself (both Old and New Testaments) advocate the universal reconciliation of humanity to God. As a result, the Hebrew Prophets who prophesied of the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ (John 12:32), The Apostle Paul (1 Tim. 4:9-11; especially since he never used the word "Hell", although he does mention burning and escaping fire in 1 Corinthians 3:14-16, and Jesus is quoted many times referencing hell, such as Matt. 10:28) and The Apostle John (John 4:42) would be considered universalists. Other universalists, universalist sympathizers (meaning those open to universalism, though not necessarily dogmatic; noted below) and universalist schools throughout history are listed here alphabetically. (See Trinitarian Universalism for the differences between this view and Unitarian Universalism. [ [ Believers and Supporters of Christian Universalism ] ] [ [ The Universalist Christians Association ] ] [ [ The Christian Universalist Association ~ Christian Universalism ] ]


*Sarah Flower Adams, hymnist
*Joseph Addison
*Thomas Aird
*Mark Akenside
*Thomas Allin
*Paul Althaus, theologian
*Rev. Henry Allon D. D.
*Ambrose, Bishop
*Charles G. Ames
*Gary Amirault, author, internet host
*Hans Christian Andersen
*Johann Arndt
*Edwin Arnold
*Matthew Arnold
*Rev. Robert Aspland
*Athenasius, Archbishop of Alexandria
*Asterius, Bishop of Amasea


*Philip James Bailey
*Joanna Baillie
*Hosea Ballou
*Anna Letitia Barbauld, English poet and writer
*William Barclay, theologian and translator
*Barsudaili, Abbott of Edessa
*Karl Barth, theologian
*Rev. C. A. Bartol
*Bernard Barton
*Clara Barton
*Christian Edward Baumstark
*John R. Beard D.D
*Henry Ward Beecher
*Joanna Beitte, author
*Thomas Belsham
*Dr. S. Fillmore Bennett
*Nicolai Berdyaev, theologian
*A.J. Beresford-Hope
*Hendrikus Berkof, theologian
*Capel Berrow
*E.A. Thomas Rawson Birks, secretary to Evangelical Alliance
*Prof. J. S. Blackie
*Mrs. Bloomfield, author.
*Peter Bohler
*Kristofer Jakob Bostrom, prof. of Philosophy, University of Uppsala
*Helen L. Bostwick
*Mary Bowitt
*Fredrika Bremer, Swedish novelist
*Henry Brooke
*Stopford A. Brooke, chaplain to the Queen
*Phillips Brooks
*Anne Bronte
*Charlotte Bronte
*Emily Bronte
*Baldwin Brown
*John Brown, M. D.
*J. Ross Browne
*Robert Browning
*Elizabeth Browning
*William Cullen Bryant
*Robert Buchaman
*Rev. Dr. Thomas Burnet, Master of the Charter House
*Robert Burns
*Bishop Joseph Butler
*Rev. William Archer Butler
*Lord Byron
*Lady Byron


*Principal Caird, the Bishop of Meath
*Thomas Carlyle
*G. Campbell
*J. Macleod Campbell, Dean of Wells
*Thomas Campbell
*Lewis Carroll
*The Cary Sisters
*John Cassian
*Rev. Prof. Challis
*Mark T. Chamberlain, author
*Paul Chatfield
*Elizabeth Rundle Charles, hymnist, writer
*C. Charnay
*Charles Chauncy
*Dr. Cheyne
*Lydia Maria Child
*Peter Chrysologus, Bishop of Ravenna
*Dean Church
*James Gaylord Clark
*R. Clark
*McDonald Clarke
*Mrs. E. H. J. Cleaveland
*Clement of Alexandria, second head of catechetical school at Alexandria
*Rev. E. L. Clementson, theologian
*Elizabeth C. Clephane, hymnist
*Mrs. E.H.J. Cleveland
*Edward Clodd
*Arther Hugh Clough
*Alison Rutherford Cockburn, writer
*Bishop Colenso
*Hartley Coleridge
*Samuel Taylor Coleridge
*Rev. Presbendary Constable, M.A.
*Francis Power Cobbe, author
*James Fenimore Cooper
*Richard Coppin
*Ronald Cower
*William Cowper
*Sir G. W. Cox
*Dr. Samuel Cox
*George Crabbe
*Dinah Muloch Craik
*Ralph Cudworth
*Allan Cunningham


*Rev. R. W. Dale
*George Dawson
*George de Benneville
*Daniel Defoe
*F. De La Mennais
*Franz Delitsch
*Count De Marcy
*Thomas De Quincey
*Keith DeRose, Yale Professor [ [ Universalism and the Bible ] ]
*Jean De Ruysbroek
*Thomas Dick
*Charles Dickens
*The Didascalia (the Catechetical school of Alexandria)
*Diodore, Bishop of Tarsus and Jerusalem
*Johan Conrad (Christian) Dippel
*H. Dodd, theologian
*John Donne
*Dr. Philip Doddridge
*W. Dudgeon
*J. H. Duganne
*William Duncombe


*Eusibius, early church historian
*Ralph Waldo Emerson
*Bishop Ewing of Argyll
*Erik Jakob Ekman, author
*Prof. Espy
*Bishop Ewing
*Thomas Erskine of Lintathen
*Jacques Ellul, theologian
*J. Preston Eby, writer
*Vernard Eller, professor
*Rhett Ellis, author
*Dr. John Prior Estlin
*Ershine of Linlathen


*La Fontaine
*Frederick the Great
*John Foster
*Canon F. W. Farrar
*Bishop Forbes of Brechin
*F. W. Faber
*Rev. Fergus Ferguson
*Kalen Fristadt, author
*Benjamin Franklin, encouraged the first Universalist Church in Philadelphia
*J. A. Fronde
*Louis Figuier, French Scientist
*Nels Ferre, theologian
*H. H. Farmer, theologian
*Herbert Farmer, theologian
*P. T. Forsythe, theologian


*Gregory of Nyssa, Bishop
*Gregory of Nazianzus, Bishop and President of the second Church council
*Thomas Gainesborough
*T. W. Goethe
*Gen. Gordon
*Archer Gurney
*Rev. T. Griffith, Prebendary of St. Paul's
*Thomas Guthrie
*Emile Giradin
*Horace Greeley
*S. Baring Gould
*Thomas Griffith
*Dinah Mulock Graik
*Hattie Griswold
*W. R. Greg
*Francesco Giorgi
*Vladimir Gelesnoff, author


*Hillary, Bishop of Poictiers
*Thomas Hobbes
*James Hinton
*James Hogg
*Ellice Hopkins
*Dean Hough, pastor, writer, editor
*J. H. Hanson
*Rev. Dr. Hey, Prof. of Divinity
*Leigh Hunt
*Dr. F Hase, professor of theology
*Nathaniel Hawthorne
*T. W. Higginson
*Thomas L. Harris
*James Hinton
*J. C. Holland
*John Hay
*Victor Hugo
*Marie Huber
*Felicia Dorothea Hemans
*Oliver Wendell Holmes
*Thomas Hood
*John Henry Haug, Prof. at Strasburg
*Dr. Ernest Christoph Hockman
*Rev. John Page Hoppe
*Bret Harte
*Karl Heim, theologian
*John Hick, theologian
*Tom Harpur, journalist
*Dr. David Hartley
*Alexander Von Humboldt


*Nils Ignell, pastor, author
*Washington Irving
*Robert Ingersoll


*Joachim of Flora
*Samuel Johnson
*Andrew Jukes
*Sylvester Judd
*David Joris
*Henry James
*Jean Jugelow
*Paul Janet
*Joseph S. Johnston, writer


*William King, Archbishop of Dublin
*Immanuel Kant
*Canon Kingsley
*Dr. C. F. Kling
*George Klein-Nikolai, author
*Charles Kingsley
*Bishop Ken
*A.E. Knoch, Bible student and translator
*Warren Young Kimball, author
*Dick King, pastor
*Morton Kelsey, author
*Walter Kunneth


*Albert Laighton
*Robert Bulwer Lytton
*Lucy Larcom, writer
*James Russel Lowell
*Lucy Larcom
*Dr. R. A. Lipsins, Prof. of Theology
*Madelein L'Engle, author
*Johann Kasper Lavater
*William Law
*Edna Lyall
*Rev. Dr. Littledale
*Charles Lamb
*T. C. Lockhart
*Walter Savage Landor
*Johann Peter Lange
*Rev. T. Latham
*William Leggell
*Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
*Abraham Lincoln
*Jane Leade
*Harold Lovelace, author, speaker
*Adlai Loudy, author


*Methodius, Bishop of Tyre
*John Murry
*Sir James Mackintosh
*Macrina, the younger
*Theodore of Mopsuestia
*Maximus of Turin
*Henry Moore
*George MacDonald
*James Montgomery
*Miss Mulock
*John F.D. Maurice
*Professor Mayor
*Bishop Moorhouse of Melbourne
*Rev. Prof. J. B. Mayor
*M. Guillaume Monad
*H. H. Milman
*Horace Mann
*James Marlineau
*John Stuart Mill
*Rev. L. C. Marvin
*Richard Milnes
*Norman MacLeod D.D.
*Charles Mackay
*George Moore
*Jürgen Moltmann
*Sarah G. Edgarton Mayo, writer
*Sarah G. Edgarton Mayo
*Joseph John Murphy
*Gerald Massey
*J. B. Munroe
*Rev. John Monsell L.L.D.
*William Morris
*Joaquin Miller
*Christopher Marshall
*F. D. Moule, professor
*Guy Marks, author
*Dr. Ernest L. Martin, author
*Brian McLaren, author


*Caroline Norton, writer
*Sir Isaac Newton
*James Neckar
*Bishop Newton
*Florence Nightingale
*Johann A. W. Neander
*Karl Johan Nyvall, author
*T. P. Nichol L.L.D.
*Caroline E. S. Norton
*T. Niles, church leader
*Richard John Neuhaus


*Origen, greatest scholar of the early church
*John Frederick Oberlin
*Mrs. Oliphant
*Margaret Fuller Ossoli
*Margaret Fuller Ossoli, writer
*Rev. John Orr, Prof. Biblical Criticism
*Pastor Oberlin
*Appleton Oaksith


*Prof. E. H. Plumptre
*Pantaenus, first head of catechetical school at Alexandria
*Proclus, Bishop of Constantinoplus
*Dr. Joseph Priestley
*Ferdinand Oliver Petitpiere
*Samuel Parr
*Alexander Pope
*Rev. Lucius R. Paige
*Johna Wilhelm Personne, Swedish Lutheran Bishop, author
*Archdeacon Paley
*John Pierpont
*J. G. Percival
*Theophilus Parsons
*Theodore Parker
*Johann Wilhelm Petersen
*Adelaide A. Procter
*Rev. Charles A. Pridgeon, President Pittsburgh Bible Institute
*Ray Prinzing, writer
*John H. Paton, author
*Carlton Pearson, bishop, pastor, author, singer
*Jeff Priddy, author


*Francis Quarles


*Chevalier Ramsay
*Jean Jacques Rousseau
*Samuel Richardson
*Bishop Rust
*Samuel Rogers
*J. Relly
*F. W. Robertson
*Archdeacon Reichel D.D.
*Henry Crabb Robinson
*Matthew Reuz
*Charles Reade
*John Ruskin
*George Rust
*William Howard Russell
*Rev. Albert Reville D. D.
*Dr. Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence
*John A. T. Robinson, theologian
*Mathias Rissi, theologian
*Robert Rutherford, pastor

*Hannah Whitall Smith, Evangelist and Bible teacher
*Christopher Sauer (Sower, Saur), Bible Publisher
*William Sargent
*Robert Short, author
*Ethelbert Stauffer, theologian
*A.E. Saxby, author
*Philipp Jakob Spener
*Ruth Carter Stapleton, Billy Carter's sister
*Quillen H. Shinn, evangelist
*Eliza Scudder
*Alexander Smith
*M. B. Smedley
*Seba Smith
*Julia H. Kinney Scott
*Sir James Stephen
*Eliza Scudder
*Mary M. Sherwood, writer
*Caroline Sawyer, writer
*Julia H. Scott, writer
*Leopold Scheffer
*Rev. Alexander Schweizer
*John Sare
*Rev. G. Vance Smith D.D. Ph. D.
*Jules Francois Suisse Simon, French Statesman
*Thomas Say
*Bishop Stillingfleet
*Jung Stilling
*Sir George Stonehouse
*Johann Schiller
*Robert Southey
*F. Schlegel
*Hesba Stretton
*Dean Stanley
*R. Stafford
*Gerritt Smith
*Bishop Stillingfleet
*Nathaniel Scarlett
*Dr. T. Southwood Smith
*Mrs. Mary M. Sherwood
*Percy B. Shelley
*Horace Smith
*F. W. T. Schelling
*George Sand
*Rev. J. C. Street
*Elizabeth Oakes Smith
*Charles Sumner
*John Sterling
*J. H. Scholten
*Harriet Beecher Stowe
*Caroline M. Sawyer
*Daniel Schenkel


*Titus, Bishop of Bostra
*Theodoret the Blessed, Bishop of Cyrrhus
*Theophylact, Archbishop of Achrida
*Hermes Trisgistus
*James Thompson
*Friedrich A.G. Tholuck, German Professor
*Archbishop Tillotson
*Chauncey Townsend
*Abel C. Thomas
*Martin Tupper
*J. S. Taylor
*Johann Tauler
*W. M. Thackery
*John R. Thompson
*Alfred Tennyson
*Bayard Taylor
*S. A. Tipple
*Sharon Turner
*Thomas Talbott, Professor [ [ But who is doing the double talk? ] ]


*Sir Harry Vane
*John Cooper Vail
*Johanna Eleonora von und zu Merlau


*Isaac Watts
*Jeremy White
*William Whiston
*J. Windet
*Elhanan Winchester
*William Wordsworth
*Bishop Westcott
*Thomas Whittimore
*Peter Paul Waldenstrom
*Rev. H. B. Wilson
*Gerard Winstanley
*Rev. Edward White
*Helen Maria Williams
*John Wilson
*William Whewell
*N. T. Willis
*John Greenleaf Whittier
*Ross Winans
*Acton Warburton
*Walt Whitman
*Rev. John Wallace
*Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney
*Theodore Winthrop
*N. C. Wilkins
*William Wallace
*Canon Wilberforce
*George Washington, defended a Universalist chaplain in his army when attacked by "Orthodox" ministers
*David L. Watson, professor


*Dr. Edward Young
*John Young L.L.D

References and notes

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