company_name = SIV.AG
company_type = Aktiengesellschaft
foundation = Germany (1990)
location = Rostock- Roggentin,
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania,
key_people = Jörg Sinnig, CEO
Arno Weichbrodt, Director
Andreas Lehmann, Director
industry = Software & Programming & Consulting
products = kVASy-ERP
* kVASy-Billing
* kVASy-Finance
* kVASy-Technical Assets
revenue = 14,2 MillionEuro
employees = 200
homepage = []

SIV.AG is a software provider with exclusive focus on the international energy and water distribution market. It has Germany wide around 240 private and public utility enterprises as customers.


The company, with exclusive focus on the international energy and water distribution market; employs at present about 200 employees at its head office in Roggentin before the gates of the Hanseatic and University City Rostock (University of Rostock) in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as well as in the settlements Ratingen, Magdeburg and Bad Sülze.

With a cumulative turnover growth of 176% over the last five financial years the software house belongs to the fastest growing technology enterprises of Germany. In 2005 the SIV.AG succeeded the jump for the third time into the Deloitte & Touche Technology Fast 50 rankingand belongs thereby to the most successful enterprises of the industry in Germany.

Products and Partnerships

The main product of SIV.AG is their integrated IT solution kVASy4. kVASy4 is based on web technologies and has the following modules:

* kVASy- ERP
** kVASy- Billing
** kVASy- Finance
** kVASy- Technical Assets
** kVASy- CRM

The entire kVASy product portfolio is based on Oracle Corporation development and database technologies. Due to the web capabilities of the system, it is possible to operate the IT solution kVASy4 in computing centres. Technologies like the Template Builder and the Process Builder optimise the business processes of supply enterprises.

SIV.AG has a strategical partnership with Oracle since many years and has received the Oracle Certified Advantage Partner (CAP) partnership-status.


Besides their kVASy4 product, the company offers services in the following areas:
* Software Development (DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management)
* Consulting
* Analyses
* Support
* Implementation
* Project Management
* Application Service Provision (ASP)
* Technology Systems
* Training

Cooperation with Educational Institutes

* University of Rostock, Rostock
* Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, Stralsund
** Stralsund University of Applied Sciences (German)
* University of Hanover, Hanover

External links


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