Slovenia–United States relations

SloveniaUnited States relations

Slovenia-United States relations are bilateral relations between Slovenia and the United States.

Since Slovenia achieved its independence in 1991, the United States and Slovenia have developed strong, cooperative relations on a broad range of issues, from promoting regional security to developing closer bilateral trade and investment ties. The U.S. was very supportive of Slovenia's entrance into NATO and other Euro-Atlantic agreements and institutions.

The first official U.S. presence in Slovenia dates from the early 1970s, when the United States Information Service (USIS) opened a library and American press and cultural center in Ljubljana. From its opening through 1992, the American Center worked to develop closer grassroots relations between the United States and the people of the then-Slovenian Republic of Yugoslavia.

On December 23, 1990, the Slovene people voted in a plebiscite to separate from greater Yugoslavia. On June 25, 1991, the new Republic of Slovenia officially declared its independence from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. A 10-day war commenced, during which Slovenian territorial troops fought off incursions by the Yugoslav National Army. The United States formally recognized the new republic on April 7, 1992. To develop U.S. diplomatic relations with the new state, the United States opened a new Embassy in Ljubljana in August 1992.

Since 1992, the United States and the Republic of Slovenia have developed an impressive track record of cooperation on bilateral, regional, and global issues. The United States has worked closely with the Slovenes to resolve succession issues stemming from the breakup of Yugoslavia. Slovenia provided invaluable assistance to the United States and NATO by facilitating the deployment of the Implementation Force (IFOR)--and subsequently SFOR--to Bosnia after the conclusion of the Dayton accords. With strong U.S. support, Slovenia has developed the International Trust Fund as the demining instrument of choice in the Balkans and is expanding operations to include the Caucasus.

On the economic front, the United States has worked to develop bilateral trade and investment with Slovenia. U.S. trade (imports and exports) with Slovenia for 2006 was570 million. Under the Support for Eastern European Democracy (SEED) Act, the U.S. provided technical assistance on enterprise competitiveness, banking and pension reform, competition policy, and debt restructuring. Reflecting the progress Slovenia has made in these areas, Slovenia was among the first transition countries to "graduate" from the SEED program.

The United States supported Slovenia's accession to the North Atlantic Alliance and continues to work with the Slovenian military to promote greater cooperation and interoperability with NATO forces. The United States and Slovenia hold periodic high-level security consultations to help Slovenia achieve this national objective. The U.S. European Command provides a liaison team that works with the Ministry of Defense full-time to develop greater familiarity with NATO structures and procedures.

In October 1997, Slovenia joined the group of countries--now numbering 27--whose citizens enjoy the privilege of visa-free travel to the United States.

Given Slovenia's relative economic success and location, its history, language, business ties, and insights into the region, Slovenia can be a partner in advancing the shared goal of regional political and economic stability. More than geographically, Slovenia is a bridge from developed Europe into the Balkans, an area of the continent that poses significant diplomatic and security challenges.

Principal U.S. Officials include:
* Ambassador--Yousif B. Ghafari
* Chargé d'Affaires and Deputy Chief of Mission--Maryruth Coleman
* Political/Economic Chief--Grace Shelton
* Public Affairs Officer--Susan Shultz
* Consular Officer--Paul Schultz
* Management Officer--Will Steuer
* Regional Security Officer--Teresa A. Teno
* Defense Attache--Lieutenant Colonel Jeff Vestal
* Chief, Office of Defense Cooperation--Lieutenant Colonel Eugene Moty

The U.S. Embassy in Slovenia is located in Ljubljana. The American Corner - Koper, a partnership between the U.S. Embassy and the University of Primorska, is located in Koper.

See also

* Foreign relations of Slovenia
* Foreign relations of the United States


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