Troop Sergeant Major — In the British Army, the Troop Sergeant Major (TSM) is the senior NCO in a Royal Artillery troop, usually a Warrant Officer Class 2.This differs from a cavalry troop or infantry platoon, in which the highest ranking NCO is usually a sergeant.… … Wikipedia
Platoon Sergeant — In most armies, a platoon sergeant is the title and position given to the senior enlisted member of a platoon, who advises and supports the platoon s commanding officer in leading the unit.ingaporeIn the Singapore Armed Forces, a platoon sergeant … Wikipedia
Company Sergeant Major — A Company Sergeant Major (CSM) is the senior non commissioned soldier of a company in the armies of many Commonwealth countries, responsible for standards and discipline. In combat, his prime responsibility is the supply of ammunition to the… … Wikipedia
Company sergeant major — Two Bermuda Regiment warrant officers, class two. A Territorial Army company has two WO2s. On the left is a permanent staff instructor. On the right with a pace stick, is a company sergeant μajor. A company sergeant major (CSM) is the senior … Wikipedia
Regimental Sergeant Major — (RSM) is an appointment held by Warrant Officers Class 1 (WO1) in the British Army, the British Royal Marines and in the armies of many Commonwealth nations, including Australia and New Zealand; and by Chief Warrant Officers (CWO) in the Canadian … Wikipedia
Sergeant — For other uses, see Sergeant (disambiguation). Common anglophone military ranks Navies Armies Air forces Officers Admiral of the fleet Marshal / fi … Wikipedia
Platoon — A platoon is a military unit typically composed of two to four sections or squads and containing about 30 to 50 soldiers. Platoons are organised into a company, which typically consists of three, four or five platoons. A platoon is typically the… … Wikipedia
sergeant — n. 1) a buck; color; drill; first, top; flight (BE); gunnery; master; platoon; recruiting; staff; technical sergeant 2) a sergeant major * * * [ sɑːdʒ(ə)nt] color drill first gunnery master platoon … Combinatory dictionary
sergeant — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. noncommissioned officer, NCO; staff sergeant, sergeant major, top sergeant, top [kick] (sl.), gunny (sl.), etc. See combatant. II (Roget s IV) n. Kinds of sergeants include: master sergeant, staff… … English dictionary for students
sergeant — Synonyms and related words: G man, MP, NCO, acting corporal, acting sergeant, bailiff, beadle, beagle, bound bailiff, captain, catchpole, centurion, chief of police, chief warrant officer, color sergeant, commissioner, constable, corporal, deputy … Moby Thesaurus