

The word junkie (or junky) was initially used to describe a heroin addict, “junk“ being a slang term for heroin. However, as the term gained currency, enthusiasts in any specific area began to call themselves “junkies“, as in the phrases “science fiction junkie“ or “political junkie“.

----English use of the term in a sentence: "“Mr. Cornish, stop your drug use, it has turned you into a real junkie.”" Or other variations of the term, such as ‘junk box’. For instance, "“Mr. Cornish, stop being such a junk box.”"----

Other uses of the term include:
* Adrenaline junkie
* "Confessions of a Political Junkie", the subtitle of Hunter S. Thompson's book, "Better than Sex".
* “Ex-Junkie“, a song by Ajax (band) in 1995, from New York City
* "Junkie" (aka "Junky"), a book by William S. Burroughs.
* “The Junkies“, an internet sitcom created by David Quantick and Jane Bussman
* The Junkies, a group of radio personalities in the Washington, D.C./Baltimore area
* “Junkie“, a song by Ozzy Osbourne
* “Junkie“, a song by Kelis featured on the second album "Wanderland"
* “Junkie's Promise“, a song by Sonic Youth on the album Washing Machine
* “Junkie's Runnin' Dry“, a song by Operation Ivy on their album "Energy"
* “Junkie“, a TV movie by Yaky Yosha
* "± Junkie", a manga
* "Junkie", a slang term for a supporter of Hibernian FC (due to heroin abuse in the Leith area of Edinburgh, where Hibernian get a lot of their support).
* Junkie XL, a Dutch electronic musician
* Junky, slang (adjective) for something that is messy, poor quality or working order.
* "Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie" an album by Alanis Morissette.

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