- Giovanni Ludovico Bianconi
Giovanni Ludovico Bianconi (
Bologna , 1717 —Perugia , 1781), [ [http://www.dictionaryofarthistorians.org/bianconig.htm "Dictionary of Art Historians", "s.v." "Giovanni Ludovico Bianconi"] .] was an Italian doctor andantiquarian , a multi-facetted scholar who was mentor and correspondent of the connoisseur and earlyart historian ,Johann Joachim Winckelmann . Bianconi was doctor at the court ofJoseph Ignaz Philipp von Hessen-Darmstadt ,Prince-Bishop of Augsburg , from 1744 and councillor toAugustus III, Elector of Saxony , atDresden .His "Scritti tedeschi" (1763) sent from
Dresden to Marchese Filippo Hercolani and toFrancesco Algarotti , described the assembly and furnishing of the Electoral paintings gallery, with which Algarotti had been closely concerned; the collection formed the nucleus of theGemäldegalerie at Dresden, initiated with the block purchase of some hundred paintings from theEste collection, Modena, in 1745— which Bianconi enriched with the purchase ofRaphael 's "Sistine Madonna" in 1753— [Giovanna Perini, "Dresden and the Italian Art Market in the Eighteenth Century: Ignazio Hugford and Giovanni Ludovico Bianconi" "The Burlington Magazine" 135 No. 1085 (August 1993:550-559, with bibliography on Bianconi and the Dresden collection.] These "Scritti tedeschi" were edited and set in their historical context by Giovanna Perini (Argelato, 1998).Bianconi's connections were strongest in Bologna, even among picture dealers who were his rivals in supplying Dresden, and in Florence, through
Ignazio Hugford . [ Perini 1993.]In the changed atmosphere and straightened finances following the
Seven Years' War , Bianconi found it time to return to Italy, where he spent the rest of his career.Among his published work were a book on
Piranesi (1779),Anton Raphael Mengs (1780) [Bianconi, "Elogio storico del Cavaliere Anton Raffaele Mengs: Con un Catalogo delle Opere da esso fatte." Milan 1780; it was rapidly translated into French (1781) and German (1781). ] and the disquisition on theBaths of Caracalla , "Descrizione dei circhi particolarmente di quello di Caracalla" (published posthumously, 1789).Early biographies were Mariotti, "Delle lodi di L. B.", (Perugia), 1781, and Sassoli, "Della vita e delle opere di Giovanni Ludovico Bianconi", Bologna, 1885.
His brother Carlo Bianconi, a neoclassical painter of some reputation, served as secretary to the Accademia di belle arti, at the
Brera , Milan. [Perini 1993:550.]Notes
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