Benjamín de Hoyos

Benjamín de Hoyos

Benjamín De Hoyos Estrada (born February 20, 1953) has been a general authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) since 1999.

De Hoyos was born in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. De Hoyos grew up in northern Mexico. As a young man, he served a mission in the Mexico Hermosillo Mission, where he first met his wife Evelia Genesta Mendivil, who is a native of Ciudad Obregón, Sonora.

Benjamín and Evelia renewed their acquaintance later when he was working as a seminary teacher at Benemerito De Las Americas, an LDS Church-owned prep school in Mexico City, and Evelia was working there as a secretary. They got married on June 4th, 1975.

De Hoyos received a bachelor's degree from Normal Superior Benavente and a masters degree from Chapultepec University.

De Hoyos spent his career prior to his call as a general authority as a Church Educational System (CES) employee. He was a seminary teacher, institute director, and a CES coordinator at various levels. At the time of his call as a general authority he was the CES Director for the Mexico South Area of the church.

De Hoyos and his wife are the parents of six children.

De Hoyos served as president of the Mexico Tuxtla Gutiérrez Mission. While in this position he supervised the reopening of missionary work in areas where it had been closed due to civil unrest. [ [ "Liahona", October 1997, p. 34] ] He was serving as an Area Authority Seventy at the time of his call to the First Quorum of the Seventy. He had been serving in this calling since 1999. [ [ Seventies Sustained,”] "Ensign", May 1999, p. 111.] As a general authority, he has served as a counselor in the presidency of the Mexico South Area of the church. [ [ Area Presidency Assignments,”] "Ensign", Sept. 2002, pp. 7677.]



*"Deseret Morning News Church Almanac", 2008 edition, p. 43
* [ Benjamin De Hoyos Of the Seventy,”] "Liahona", May 2005, p. 121

External links

* [ Grampa Bill's G.A. pages: Benjamin De Hoyos]

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