- Thomas precession
physics the Thomas precession, named afterLlewellyn Thomas , is a special relativistic correction to the precession of agyroscope in a rotating non-inertial frame. It can be understood as a consequence of the fact that the space of velocities in relativity is hyperbolic, and soparallel transport of a vector (the gyroscope's angular velocity) around a circle (its linear velocity) leaves it pointing in a different direction.History
Thomas precession in relativity was already known to
Silberstein [L. Silberstein, The Theory of Relativity (MacMillan London 1914)] in 1914. But the only knowledge Thomas had of relativistic precession came fromde Sitter 's paper on the relativistic precession of the moon, first published in a book by Eddington [A.S. Eddington, The Mathematical Theory of Relativity (Cambridge 1924)] .In 1925 Thomas relativistically recomputed the precessional frequency of the doublet separation in the fine structure of the atom. He thus found the missing factor 1/2 which came to be known as the Thomas half.
This discovery of the relativistic precession of the electron spin led to the understanding of the significance of the relativistic effect. The effect was therefore named Thomas precession
To find the Thomas precession we assume the system is in a rotating
Minkowski space . The metric incylindrical coordinates r, phi', z is given by::oldsymbol{ds}^{2} = dt^{2} - dr^{2} - r^{2} dphi'^{2} - dz^{2}
The frame rotates with a constant angular velocity omega so phi = phi'-omega t and the real metric is given by:
:oldsymbol{ds}^{2} = (1 - r^{2} omega^{2}) left [dt^{2} - 2 dt dphi frac{r^{2} omega}{1 - r^{2} omega^{2 + left(frac{r^{2} omega}{1 - r^{2} omega^{2 ight)^{2} dphi^{2} ight] - dr^{2} - frac{r^{2{1 - r^{2} omega^{2 dphi^{2} - dz^{2}
This is the so called
canonical form of the metric.:oldsymbol{ds}^{2} = e^{frac{2Phi}{c^{2}left(c dt - frac{1}{c^{2 - frac{1}{c^{2 w_{i} dx^{i} ight)^{2} - k_{ij} dx^{i}dx^{j}
From this we can read of the relativistic
vector potential ::oldsymbol{w} = left(0,frac{r^{2}omega}{1-r^{2}omega^{2,0 ight)
We can now calculate the rotational rate of the gyroscope using:
:oldsymbol{Omega}| = frac{1}{2sqrt{2}c} e^{frac{Phi}{c^{2}left [k^{ik}k^{jl}(w_{i,j} - w_{j,i})(w_{k,l} - w_{l,k}) ight] ^{1/2}:frac{omega}{(1 - r^{2}omega^{2})}
In this equation k is the spatial component of the metric. And using the convention romega = v for the velocity we find:
:Omega = frac{v}{r(1 - v^{2})}
So after one revolution the correction to the precession is given by:
:alpha = Omega Delta au - 2pi = 2pi left [frac{1}{sqrt{1-v^{2} - 1 ight] approx pi v^{2}
In Quantum Mechanics
In quantum mechanics Thomas precession is a correction to the
spin-orbit interaction , which takes into account the relativistictime dilation between theelectron and the nucleus in hydrogenic atoms.Basically, it states that spinning objects
precess when they accelerate inspecial relativity becauseLorentz boost s do not commute with each other.In a Foucault pendulum
Thomas precession gives a correction to the precession of a
Foucault pendulum . For a Foucault pendulum located in the city of Nijmegen in the Netherlands the correction is:omega approx 9.5 cdot 10^{-7}, mathrm{arcseconds} / mathrm{day}
External links
* [http://www.mathpages.com/rr/s2-11/2-11.htm Mathpages article on Thomas Precession]
* [http://bohr.physics.berkeley.edu/classes/221/0708/notes/thomprec.pdf Alternate, detailed derivation of Thomas Precession] (by Robert Littlejohn)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.