- Biotech Fund Flanders
The Biotech Fund Flanders (Dutch: Biotech Fonds Vlaanderen) was founded by the
Flemish government in1994 as an instrument to support the creation of new companies, explicitly inbiotechnology . It providesventure capital to biotech companies inFlanders (Belgium ). The fund has 21.7 millioneuro of capital and is managed by theGIMV .ee also
Science and technology in Flanders
*Venture capital
*Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen (PMV)
*Flanders Investment and Trade
*Flanders Interuniversity Institute of Biotechnology (VIB)
*Institute for the promotion of Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT)ource
* [http://www.pmvlaanderen.be/pmvlaanderen/view/nl/354-Biotech+Fonds+Vlaanderen+NV.html Biotech Fonds Vlaanderen] (Dutch)
* [http://www.nieuwsbank.nl/inp/2005/05/20/R354.htm Vlaamse Regering in kort bestek - 20 mei 2005] (Dutch)
* [http://users.pandora.be/Fientje.Moerman/artikel%20de%20tijd%20juli%202005.htm Biotech Fonds Vlaanderen na tien jaar verlengd] (Dutch)External links
* [http://www.gimv.be/ GIMV]
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