bully pulpit — n. [< phrase attributed by G. Putnam (1926) to ROOSEVELT2 Theodore, referring to the presidency as offering “such a bully [= fine] pulpit” for preaching: present use from later interpretation of bully in this phrase as BULLY1, sense 1] a… … English World dictionary
bully pulpit — ul ly pul pit, n. An exceptionally advantageous position from which to extol one s ideas; applied especially to the presidency of the United States, which was described thus by President Theodore Rossevelt. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bully pulpit — bully ,pulpit noun singular AMERICAN a position of authority that gives someone the ability to influence a large number of people … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
bully pulpit — 1904, coined by U.S. president Teddy Roosevelt, in reference to the White House … Etymology dictionary
bully pulpit — noun a public office of sufficiently high rank that it provides the holder with an opportunity to speak out and be listened to on any matter the American presidency is a bully pulpit • Hypernyms: ↑public office * * * noun, pl ⋯ pits [count] US :… … Useful english dictionary
Bully Pulpit Games — Bully Pulpit Games, based in Carrboro, North Carolina, is a publisher of indie role playing games. Their games include The Shab al Hiri Roach and Grey Ranks. Bully Pulpit s Jason Morningstar is also the creator of Dungeon Squad, although this… … Wikipedia
bully pulpit — noun Date: 1976 a prominent public position (as a political office) that provides an opportunity for expounding one s views; also such an opportunity … New Collegiate Dictionary
bully pulpit — a position of authority or public visibility, esp. a political office, from which one may express one s views. * * * … Universalium
bully pulpit — noun an advantageous position from which to express ones views … Wiktionary
bully pulpit — position or office of influence that provides an ideal place from which to spread one s views or opinions … English contemporary dictionary