Jeong-Dong Lee

Jeong-Dong Lee

Jeong-Dong Lee is an Engineering Economist, who is currently a Director and Dean in the Technology Management,Economics and Policy Program (TEMEP) at Seoul National University and Associate Professor at the Seoul National University .

Prof. Lee received his B.S. degree, his M.S. degree, and his Engineering from the Seoul National University in the Republic of Korea.

Dr. Lee is now heading the research groups of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Innovation Theory, and Industry Dynamics in TEMEP in SNU. In addition, he is supervising research and theses of Master's and Doctoral candidates in SNU. He is actively taking part in the local and international research and academic organizations. Dr. Lee is teaching and supervising the International studetns from as much as(40) countries in International Information Technology Policy Scholarship Program (ITPP)in Seoul National University in the Republic of Korea.

In August, 2006, Prof. Lee, as a Coordinator, successfully organized the Sixth Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference (APPC) in Seoul inviting renowned scholars, researchers and professionals worldwide.

In January, 2008, Prof. Lee chaired at the Panel Discussion of the Global Management of Technology Forum held in Seoul.

On the 9th of July, 2008, a professional book,that he coauthored with Prof. Almas Heshmati, entitled "Micro-Evidence For the Dynamics of Industrial Evolution" was published by Nova Science Publishers. []

In APPC 2008 in Taiwan, he gives a Keynote speech. He will be serving as a visiting professor at theWashington Univ. in the United States for a year until Summer, 2009.

He is married and has two daughters. His internal research website is [] .







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(8) Dynamics-of-Industrial-Evolution/9781604563887.htm

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