AEK is a three-letter acronym that may refer to:

*All Electric Kitchen, used in real-estate ads.
*Apple Extended Keyboard, a computer keyboard.
*Athletic Union of Constantinople, also known as AEK Athens, a sports club based in Athens, Greece
*AEK Athens FC, an association football club based in Athens, Greece
*AEK Athens BC, a basketball club associated with AEK Athens FC
*AEK Athens VC, a volleyball club associated with AEK Athens FC
*AEK Athens HC, a handball club associated with AEK Athens FC
*AEK FC Detroit, a fourth division football/soccer team in Detroit, U.S.A.
*AEK Waverley, a second division football/soccer team in Melbourne, Australia
*AEK Larnaca FC, in Larnaca, Cyprus
*AEK Patras FC, a fourth division football/soccer team in Patras
*AEK Peristeriou, a basketball (women) team in Athens
*AEK Tripolis, a basketball (women) team in Tripoli (Peloponisos)
*AEK Argous, a basketball (women) team in Argos (Peloponisos)
*"Alfabetatze Euskalduntze Koordinakundea", "Coordination for Alphabetization and Teaching of the Basque language", an organization for the teaching of the Basque language.AEK, rap group from Mission Texas

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