List of attacks in Lebanon

List of attacks in Lebanon

This page contains a selection from the large number of attacks and other violent events in Lebanon since 1975, the starting year of the long-lasting Lebanese civil war.


* 1975, March 6 - The Sunni politician Maarouf Saad died. He was shot down on February 26, 1975 during a demonstration in Sidon. His death is considered to be a partial trigger for the start of the civil war.


* 1977, March 16 - Druze leader Kamal Jumblatt killed close to his home in the Chouf area.


* 1978, June 13 - Tony Franjieh, son of former president Suleiman Franjieh killed in his own house by the Lebanese Forces.


* 1982, September 14 - Designated president Bashir Gemayel killed by pro-Syrian agent. His brother Amin Gemayel becomes president of Lebanon instead.


* 1983, April 18 - The American Embassy in Beirut was bombed by a terrorist organization. 63 people, including 17 Americans lost their lives in this attack.

* 1983, October 23- The Beirut barracks bombing killed more than 200 American and french armed forces personnel.


* 1985, March 8- More than 80 were killed and 200 injured in a blast in the city.


* 1987, June 1 - Prime Minister Rashid Karami killed by bomb during a helicopter flight.


* 1989, May 16 - Head of Sunni community in Lebanon, Mufti Sheikh Hassan Khaled killed by car bomb in Beirut.


* 1989, November 22 - President René Mouawad killed by car bomb, three weeks after becoming president.


* 1990, October 21 - Leader of the National Liberal Party Dany Chamoun shot dead in suburb of Beirut.


* 1992, February 16 - Leader of Hezbollah Abbas al-Musawi killed by Israel in Jibsheet, a town in the south of Lebanon.


* 2002, January 24 - Former minister and militia leader Elie Hobeika killed by car bomb in Beirut.

* 2002, May 20 - Son of Mohammad Ahmed Jibril, leader of the Popular Front of the Liberation of Palestine killed by car bomb in Beirut.


* 2004, October 1 - Anti-Syrian Minister of Telecom Marwan Hamadeh escapes death when a car bomb fails to kill him, but kills his driver.


* 2005, February 14 - Former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri killed by car bomb. Minister Bassel Fleihan also dies as well as 19 others. Over 220 people were injured.

* 2005, March 19 - 11 wounded due to car bomb in New Jdeideh, a Christian suburb of Beirut.

* 2005, March 23 - 3 died from explosion in a shopping mall in Kaslik, a Christian town north of Beirut.

* 2005, March 27- 6 wounded due to bomb attack in Jal el Dib, a Christian town north of Beirut.

* 2005, April 1 - 12 people wounded when bomb exploded in Broummana, a Christian village east of Beirut.

* 2005, May 7 - 1 dead and 22 wounded as result of explosion in Jounieh, a Christian town north of Beirut.

* 2005, June 2 - Anti-Syrian Journalist Samir Kassir killed in Beirut by car bomb.

* 2005, June 21 - Former leader of the communist party George Hawi killed in Beirut by car bomb.

* 2005, July 12 - Anti-Syrian Minister of Defense Elias al-Murr survives car bomb targeting his convoy that killed 2 and wounded 12.

* 2005, July 22 - Car bomb explodes in Monot, a nightlife area in Christian suburb of Beirut. Various people wounded and material damage.

* 2005, August 22 - Explosion in shopping mall and next to Maronite church in Zalka, a Christian town north of Beirut.

* 2005, September 17 - Explosion in Ashrafieh, a Christian suburb of Beirut, killing 1 and wounding 22.

* 2005, September 25 - Anti-Syrian Television journalist May Chidiac loses arm and leg because of car bomb.

* 2005, December - Assassination attempt against a Hezbollah official.

* 2005, December 12 - Anti-Syrian Member of Parliament and journalist Gebran Tueni killed in suburb of Beirut by car bomb.


* 2006, February 2 - Attack on military base in suburb of Beirut, claimed by Al Qaida. One person wounded and material damage.

* 2006, May 26 - Mahmoud Mazjoub, also known as Abu Hamzah, leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and his brother Nidal killed by car bomb in Sidon.

* 2006, September 5 - A botched attempt to kill lieutenant Samir Shehadeh, acting head of the Internal Security Forces in Lebanon, results in 4 dead and 5 wounded.

* 2006, October 11 - Attack with grenade on police station in Verdun, a suburb in Beirut.

* 2006, October 15 - 3 rockets fired in Beiruts city center close to head office of UN, 6 wounded and material damage.

* 2006, October 25 - Bomb explodes next to embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, no wounded.

* 2006, November 1 - Grenade attack on police station in Verdun, second time in three weeks. No wounded.

* 2006, November 21 - Anti-Syrian Christian Minister of Industry Pierre Gemayel killed.


* 2007, February 13 - 3 people killed and 22 wounded when two buses exploded close to Bikfaya, a Christian town northeast of Beirut.

* 2007, May 20 / September 2 - Almost 500 people, among which 169 soldiers and 250 militants were killed by heavy fighting between the Lebanese army the Muslim fundamentalist movement Fatah al-Islam in the Palestinian refugee camp Nahr al Bared, close to the northern city Tripoli.

* 2007, May 20 - Car bomb kills one and wounds 12 people in Ashrafieh, a Christian suburb of Beirut.

* 2007, May 21 - Car bomb explodes in Verdun, a predominantly Sunni suburb of Beirut, wounding 10 and causing much material damage.

* 2007, May 23 - Explosion in shopping mall in predominantly Druze town Aley, east of Beirut wounds 16 and causes much material damage.

* 2007, May 27 - Bomb explodes next to police checkpoint in Beirut, wounding two police officers, 1 soldier and two civilians.

* 2007, May 28 - Grenade explodes next to police station in Zahleh, a Christian town in the Bekaa valley, causing material damage.

* 2007, June 3 - Fighting between Lebanese army and Muslim organization Jund el Sham in Palestinian refugee camp Ain al-Hilweh in Sidon, killing two soldiers and two militants.

* 2007, June 4 - Explosion in Sid el Bauchrieh, a Christian suburb of Beirut, wounds 10 and causes much material damage.

* 2007, June 7 - Hand grenades cause material damage in three different locations in Lebanon, Koura, Beirut and Dahr al-Wahseh.

* 2007, June 7 - Car bomb in Christian town Zouk Mousbeh causes 1 dead and 4 wounded.

* 2007, June 10 - Grenade tossed at police checkpoint near Tripoli causes material damage.

* 2007, June 11 - Unexploded bomb found near school in Christian Beirut suburb Ashrafieh.

* 2007, June 13 - Anti-Syrian Member of Parliament Walid Eido and his son killed in Beirut together with two bodyguards and six civilians.

* 2007, June 20 - One man killed and various wounded during fights between Sunnis and Shiites in Beirut.

* 2007, June 24 - One soldier and six Muslim militants killed during fights in suburb of Tripoli] .

* 2007, June 24 - 6 Spanish Unifil soldiers killed by attack on their convoy in the south of Lebanon.

* 2007, July 16 - Bomb targets UN convoy in Tripoli causing material damage.

* 2007, August 2 - Lebanese army detects and disarms a Katyusha rocket, aimed at the UN Head Quarters.

* 2007, September 19 - Anti-Syrian Member of Parliament Antoine Ghanem and 7 others killed by car bomb in eastern suburb of Beirut.

* 2007, December 11 - Grenade attack on school in Christian suburb of Beirut causing material damage.

* 2007, December 12 - Second man of Lebanese army François al-Hajj and his bodyguard killed by car bomb next to presidential palace in Baabda, east of Beirut.


* 2008, January 8 - Irish Unifil employees injured due to bomb attack on their car next to Sidon.

* 2008, January 15 - 3 people killed and 20 wounded as result of bomb targeting the convoy of the American embassy.

* 2008, January 19 - Bomb attack on car of editor of anti-Syrian newspaper, liaised with Druze leader Walid Jumblatt causes material damage.

* 2008, January 21 - grenade attack on judge causes material damage.

* 2008, January 25 - Wissam Eid, a high officer in the Intelligence Service and tasked with the investigation of the murder of Rafiq Hariri died due to car bomb. Three other people 3 and over 20 got injured.

* 2008, January 27 - 9 people die during riots, later dubbedBlack Sundaybetween the army and Shiite demonstrators in suburb of Beirut.

* 2008, January 28 - Grenade attack on police stations in suburbs of Beirut, namely Ain el Remaneh, Tayyouneh, Sabra and Mazda.

* 2008, January 29 - again grenade attacks on police station in suburbs of Beirut.

* 2008, February 2 - 2 soldiers got injured when their car came under fire in suburb of Beirut.

* 2008, February 3 - 2 employees of Druze party PSP are injured as result of being shot at.

* 2008, February 9 - House of Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri under fire by unknown assailants causing material damage.

* 2008, February 9 - Guards of the parliamentary building in downtown Beirut got injured due to celebration fire after speech of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

* 2008, February 10 - 2 employees of Druze party PSP are injured as result of being shot at.

* 2008, February 12 - Riots between Shiite and Sunni youth in suburbs of Beirut causing material damage.

* 2008, February 15-17 - Riots between Shiite and Sunni youth in suburbs of Beirut causing 1 dead, over 30 wounded and material damage.

* 2008, February 17 - Concussion grenade was thrown at Druze leader Walid Jumblat's Progressive Socialist Party in Beirut's Musaitbeh neighborhood.

* 2008, February 17 - Lebanese army soldier was wounded when a military checkpoint at the entrance to the northern Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared came under fire.

* 2008, February 21 - Embassy of Kuwait in Beirut evacuated after threat to rocket the building. No rockets or bombs were found.

* 2008, February 23- 10 wounded during clashes between Lebanese Forces and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party in north Lebanon.

* 2008, February 25 - bomb explodes in Shiite village in Aley region, no wounded.

* 2008, February 27 - Explosion in the south of Lebanon near Tyre wounds four.

* 2008, February 29 - car of Saudi-Arabian ambassador was hit by bullet, only material damage.

* 2008, April 20 - 2 Falangists were murdered and three wounded in Zahle by supporter of pro-Syrian member of parliament.

* 2008, April 27 - A French socialist official was kidnapped by Hezbollah for four hours before being released.

* 2008, May 3 - Police finds unexploded grenade next to house of opposition MP Nabil Nicholas.

* 2008, May 3 - Unknown assailant throws grenade at the opposition's tents in downtown Beirut, no injuries or damage.

* 2008, May 4 - clashes between Sunni and Shiite youth in Corniche Mazraa, 5 injured and one house burned down.

* 2008, May 8-14 - 65 killed, over 200 wounded and much material damage (among which destruction of TV and radio station) as a result of Hezbollah's take-over of West-Beirut and fighting in the Shouf mountains between Hezbollah and PSP.

* 2008, May 26 - Clashes broke out between Shiite and Sunni Muslims after speech of Hezbollah leader Nasrallah, resulting in 25 wounded.

* 2008, May 27 - One soldier was killed when clashes broke out between pro and anti-government parties in Dohat Aramoun, a village south of Beirut.

* 2008, May 31 - Suicide bomber killed who intended to attack an army post next to Palestinian refugee camp Ain al-Hilweh was killed by soldier before detonation.

* 2008, May 31 - Soldier killed at army intelligence post in Abdeh in north Lebanon.

* 2008, June 3 - Gunmen wearing police uniforms critically shot a supporter of Hariri's Future Movement in Beirut's suburb Bir Hassan.

* 2008, June 8 - Heavy clashes in Saadnayal in the Bekaa between Hariri's Future Movement and Opposition leave 4 wounded.

* 2008, June 9 - Clashes in Rawda in the Bekaa between Hariri's Future Movement and Hezbollah supporters result in 3 wounded.

* 2008, June 11 - Lebanese soldier seriously wounded while killing a suspect and arresting two who were trying to run through a military checkpoint outside Palestinian refugee camp Ain al-Hilweh.

* 2008, June 16 - 3 people killed and 4 wounded during heavy clashes in Saadnayal in the Bekaa between pro- and anti-government supporters.

* 2008, June 22-23 - 10 people killed and 55 wounded during clashes between Tripoli's neighborhoods Baal Mohsen (Alawites and Oppposition) and Bab Tabbaneh (Sunnis and pro-government).

* 2008, June 27-29 - Renewed fighting in Tripoli results in various people wounded.

* 2008, June 28 - 1 man killed and 29 wounded as result of bombing of a shop in Tripoli.

* 2008, July 8 - 5 people killed and 64 wounded during renewed fighting in Tripoli.

* 2008, July 18 - 1 person killed and 6 wounded during renewed fighting in Tripoli.

* 2008, September 11 - Druze sheik Saleh Aridi was killed in Tripoli

ee also

2005 Lebanon bombings

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