Spanish Supercomputing Network

Spanish Supercomputing Network

The Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES, Red Española de Supercomputación) is a scientific network created by the Spanish Education Ministry. The network is composed by several supercomputers distributed over Spain. This institution tries to provide the computing resources needed by researchers in Spain and Europe.

Nowadays, the network comprises seven supercomputers:
* Altamira in IFCA, (University of Cantabria, Cantabria).
* CesarAugusta in University of Zaragoza, (Zaragoza).
* LaPalma in IAC, (Canarias).
* Magerit in CeSViMa, (Technical University of Madrid, Madrid).
* Marenostrum in BSC, (Technical Universitiy of Cataluña, Barcelona).
* Picasso in University of Malaga, (Malaga).
* Tirant in University of Valencia, (Valencia).


Spanish Supercomputing Network was created in March, 2007 to increase the needs of computing resources in Spain. To achieve this, Magerit and Marenostrum supercomputers were upgraded and the old nodes from Marenostrum supercomputer were used to create five nodes (Altamira, CesarAugusta, LaPalma, Picasso, Tirant) of the network.

Use of the resorces

An Access Committee (a group of 44 researchers who assess the importance of each project) controls the access to the computing resources:
*Every researcher who wants to use the network must send a project to the Access Committee
*All projects are evaluated by the access committee.
*The best projects are accepted. The committee assigns several resources of several supercomputing during 4 months.

If one project needs more computing resources, the leader of the project can ask for resources in the next 4 months period.

Each institution controls 20% of the resources of its node. CeSViMa controls about 40% of the computer resources of Magerit due to the nodes owned by the Technical University of Madrid.


* [ RES area] in Barcelona Supercomputing Center website, current coordinator of Spanish Supercomputing Network

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