35 mm equivalent focal length
- 35 mm equivalent focal length
In photography, the 35 mm equivalent focal length is a measure that indicates the angle of view of a particular combination of a camera lens and film or sensor size. The term originates from the time when the vast majority of photography was done with 35 mm film.
On any 35 mm film camera, a 28 mm lens is a wide-angle lens, and a 200 mm lens is a telephoto lens. However, now that digital cameras have mostly replaced 35 mm cameras, there is no direct relation between the focal length of a lens and the angle of view, since the size of the camera sensor also determines angle of view, and sensor size is not standardized like film size was. The 35 mm effective focal length of a particular lens-sensor combination is the focal length that one would need for a 35 mm film camera to obtain the same angle of view.
Most commonly, the 35 mm equivalent focal length refers to the diagonal angle of view.[ [http://www.panoramafactory.com/equiv35/equiv35.html What is "35 mm equivalent focal length?"] The Panorama Factory, 2004.] Alternatively, it may also refer to the horizontal angle of view. Since 35 mm film is normally used for images with an aspect ratio (width-to-height ratio) of 3:2, while many digital cameras have a 4:3 aspect ratio, these two definitions are not equivalent.]
A standard 35 mm film image is 36 mm wide by 24 mm tall (35 mm refers to the height of the film including the perforations for film transport), and the diagonal is 43.3 mm. This leads to the following conversion formulas for a lens with a true focal length "f":
Note that sensor size specifications such as 1/2.5" typically refer to approximately 1.5 times the actual sensor diagonal. [Vincent Bockaert, [http://www.dpreview.com/learn/?/key=sensor_sizes Sensor sizes] . DPreview.rom.]
Apart from the width- and diagonal-based 35-mm effective focal length definitions, there is a third definition: "EFL" = 50 "f" /"d" mm.[ However, it is not clear to what extent this definition is used.Fact|date=February 2008]
ee also
*Crop factor
*Image sensor format
Notes and References
* [http://photo.net/equipment/medium-format/focal-length-conversion Focal Length Conversion] for medium format and large format, at photo.net
* [http://www.dpreview.com/learn/?/key=focal+length Focal Length] at dpreview
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